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Playlist rutine from youtube as an alarm

Community Member


I would like to create a rutine to play a specific youtube playlist of mine as a morning alarm on my nest mini speaker.

I have youtube prime, if that matters, but I just cant get it to work. I feel like I have tried everything. From URL to unique named public playlist. Just wont work.


Please help.


Community Member

In the months leading up to Feb it had been announced that after Feb you would no longer be able to use media as an alarm. 

You can effectively still do this with Script Editor.

Community Member



Thank you for the answer.

What does that mean in layman terms, im not very technical.

Community Member


If the below isn't the kind of answer you are looking for just let me know and I will change the response. 


You can explore creating automations with Google Home Script Editor by going here: 

From there select Automations on the left. 

Here is the start of the documentation for using Script Editor:

This link takes you to a sample code library where you see how various automations are configured:


Community Member

Thank you very much for your replies, but it becomes too technical for me.


Should just not have bought Google, have nothing but issues with it, or maybe I'm just too unintelligent to use it properly.. 

Okay so now i understand the level or the type of help you are looking for. 


To be clear you want to use a playlist or song as an alarm ?

Yes exactly, from youtube preferably 😊