06-03-2022 11:13 AM
I got a Lenovo alarmclock. That one is a member of my family account. But, when my son is lissening to music through youtube at that device, i see in my family account. How can i configure the device so my sons account is the primary account at the device and i dont get his songs in my youtube?
06-08-2022 12:02 PM
Hey Deheugden,
Thanks for reaching out.
The Google Account you've used after setting up your speakers is the default YouTube account associated with your speakers. To change the YouTube account associated with other speakers in your household, they must link their own Google Account on the speakers. For more information, you can contact Lenovo support for assistance. Hope this helps!
06-13-2022 10:19 AM
Hi Deheugden,
Checking back in to see if you still need help with this? Feel free to respond to this thread if you have additional questions or concerns and I'd be glad to answer it for you.
06-14-2022 10:21 AM
Hey Deheugden,
Bumping in to make sure that you saw my response. I'll be locking this thread if we won't hear back from you again in 24 hrs. Should that happen, feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future.
Kind regars,