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Script Editor: Share your ideas and vote on others' ideas!


We built the Google Home script editor to give you more control over your home automations (announcement post). We are still in the early days of the script editor, and we highly value feedback and ideas from our community to shape its future.

You can use this post to:

  • Share ideas that will help you build your next scripted automation
  • Vote on other people's ideas by clicking the "Kudos" button next to the idea


How do I submit an idea? Can I submit more than one idea?

To submit an idea, simply click the "Reply" button below this post and add your idea in the following format:

  • Idea: Weather as a starter 
  • Example automation: If it's about to rain today, remind me to carry my umbrella.

We encourage you to submit as many ideas as you like, but please use one comment per idea so that it's easy for others to vote on your ideas.


How do I vote for an idea? Can I vote on more than one idea?

To vote for an idea, simply click the "Kudos" button next to the idea that helps you with your use case. Please use your votes thoughtfully so that we can clearly understand what matters to you the most.


Will my idea be implemented? Will the top-voted idea be implemented?

We will do our best to prioritize what is important across our entire community and look at feedback across many channels throughout the product cycle. We will very actively use your feedback in our prioritization exercise, but cannot make any guarantees or promises that you'll see your idea/feedback implemented into the product. That said, we will do our best to address the pain points and problems our community is trying to solve.


We look forward to hearing your ideas!

Prafulla Rawal, Senior Product Manager, Google Home


1 Recommended Answer


Hi everyone,

First of all, a huge thank you for your feedback and ideas!  The engagement here has truly exceeded our expectations, and we couldn't be more grateful for your participation.


As mentioned above, we cannot make any guarantees or promises that we will implement every idea, but we are actively considering all of this feedback as we prioritize future development.


In the meantime, we encourage you to keep sharing your ideas and upvoting the ideas of others.


Thank you again for your time and input.

Prafulla Rawal, Senior Product Manager, Google Home


View Recommended Answer in original post

382 REPLIES 382

Community Member
  • Idea: Weather as a starter (today's high and low temps, today's forecast for rain and cloudiness, humidity, wind speed)
  • Example automation: I have NuHeat Signature floor heat thermostats.  I want to be able to turn them on in the morning if the high temp for the day will be 65 degrees or colder and skip turning them on if the high temp will be over 65. Same goes for automating the opening and closing of motorized skylights and blinds.   I'd like to switch from IFTTT to Google Home, but some of my IFTTT applets use the Weather Underground service

Community Member

I'd like to see a way to trigger automations via URL actions. A lot of actors/buttons are able to send URL commands internally, for example to open shades to x% or to switch lights on and off. It would be great if there was a way to reach Google Home some how. That of course would mean for it to have an internal URL.

I don't know if that's possible though.

Community Member

I had a script working perfectly where all of my cameras turn on when I leave home, however, it appears since the 1.69 update to the Google Nest battery outdoor cam that it no longer works with this script.  It's not showing an error in the script editor or anything, but it just doesn't turn on anymore within this automation.  I've removed and re-added it, turned the routine off and back on, still no dice.  Any thoughts?

Community Member

When I have seen this happen in automations I found that renaming the device reauthenticating the provider, if it is a Works with Google device, then syncing the devices seems to have restored functionality for me.

Community Member

It's a Google Nest Camera though 🤷. I have a routine to sync devices that runs everyday.  Pretty sure this started with the 1.69 update which also has made the nest outdoor battery camera and battery doorbell night vision unusable so something is wrong with that firmware.  

Community Member

In my experience some devices just disappear from the automations.  My suggestion was a rule of thumb that seems to work for me.  I don't think the manufacturer has much baring on the problem.

Community Member

This sounds like a fantastic initiative! Giving users control over their home automations is a great step forward. I'll definitely be sharing some avis ideas to contribute. It's good to know that the team values feedback and is open to suggestions. Looking forward to seeing how this develops!


Community Member

I like the new editor. YAML is a weird syntax, but with the built-in editor it works surprisingly well. 

I'm looking for an option to be able to start an activity if it hasn't been running for a certain time.

  • Idea: use time since last activation as a condition
  • Example Automation: I'd like to start my vacuum cleaner if there's nobody at home, and it's been more than three days since it was last activated


A current hack I have used is to use a junk light as a timer and/or indicator flag to store a condition. 

  name: Front Door Visitor Announcement Directional Control
  description: Scripted automation

  - starters:
      - type: device.state.MotionDetection
        state: motionDetectionEventInProgress
        is: true
        device: Front Porch MotionSensor - Front Porch

      type: and
        - type: device.state.OnOff
          state: on
          is: false
          device: Shop Back Door Light - Backyard
        - type: time.between
          after: 08:00
          before: 21:00
            - MON
            - TUE
            - WED
            - THU
            - FRI
            - SAT
            - SUN

      - type: device.command.OnOff
        on: true
        devices: Garage Back Door Light - Backyard

  - starters:
      - type: device.state.MotionDetection
        state: motionDetectionEventInProgress
        is: false
        for: 5sec
        device: Front Porch MotionSensor - Front Porch

      - type: device.command.OnOff
        on: false
        devices: Garage Back Door Light - Backyard

Luckily I have a couple of lights that are so rarely used, this is an option

Community Member

Hi can we have z wave motion sensors added to home, also please allow automations to be moved from personal to family and don't limit or lock any automation to a person unless that person so chooses. 


My main question is how do I select the device as the one that is spoken to when creating a script. IE I would like GA to turn on lights and tell me the weather in the morning. I can do this on the phone but when scripting its requiring me to select a hub/device. How do I select the device that is spoken to in the script? 

Community Member

I have just purchased my first Presence Sensor for use with Google Automations.  There is a small issue that the sensor triggers Open/Closed events rather than Occupied/Unoccupied events.  I have reported this to the manufacturer and hope that this will be fixed in due course.

I would like to ask the group where I should find the current illumination level that is also detected by the sensor.  I want to create automations that are based on the presence *and* light levels.  That is I don't want to turn on some lights if the room is already bright enough.


Community Member

I think Script Editor is great. It makes it easier to create routines BUT my routines are not being downloaded to Google Home and I don't see an option to download them.

Community Member

As Google still does not have a smart button nor any that are compatible, I have found a work around that I wanted to share. Using the Google Home Script Editor, recreate the routine you wish to run and use a smart plug as the trigger. I wanted a button by the front door to turn all our cameras on and turn the lights off when we leave and vice versa when we get back. I used a smart plug as the trigger, put the plug in an outlet by the door and now, when we leave, we just push the switch on the side of the plug turning it on and it runs the routine. Hope this helps anyone who has been looking for a physical button option.

Community Member

Really mind boggling what workarounds Google Home customers have to put in place to do the simplest thing that most people need in their households and that has existed for some time now in every other smart home eco system. With this missing feature Google is actively and -- in my opinion -- willfully slowing down matter adoption and growth of a converging smart home market.

Community Member

Idea: automation for Google Nest HVAC fan control

Example automation: "turn on the nest fan for 2 hours"

Right now the Google Home app (at least the iOS version) does not offer any ability in automation to manage the HVAC fan via Google Nest. All you can do is go to the Google Nest device, and manually start the fan for a specific interval.

Google Assistant can be asked to "Hey Google, start fan on nest", but it will only set it up to run for 15 minutes. If you say "Hey Google, start fan on Nest for 2 hours", it'll respond that the thermostat has not been set up yet.

There needs to be a way to set it up to run for some arbitrary time longer than 15 minutes. No variable time, just a fixed time longer than 15 minutes. If that could at least be done via scripting, that would be great.

Community Member

My idea is to add a circadian rhythm option for lighting. I would love to automate my lights to be warm white at night time and early morning and bright white during the day. Currently not an option, condition, or "light effect".


Second request is the ability to add more than one starter for automations like other smart home platforms. If I say "hey Google xyz" OR the bedroom door opens. Turn on the front porch light if I'm not home AND it's night time.

Community Member

Anyone have the Aqara FP2 Occupancy Sensor... I had this for a while now but the last month or less its no longer working for my automations.  

Not sure what changed but am noticing when trying to make a script that the Aqara P1 Motion Sensor is showing an occupancy sensing option (which it does not have the ability to do) and the FP2 Occupancy Sensor can only detect motion now (which it previously detected occupancy) and automations will no longer work with it.

Here is what I am trying and does not work:

name: Christmas tree on for 10 minutes # Choose a short name that summarizes important starters and actions, like “Sunset lights”.
description: Person in living area, Christmas tree on # Write a detailed description that includes everything the automation does, like “At sunset, on weekdays, close blinds, turn on lights to 50%, and play the sunset playlist on certain speakers.”

# “starters” and “actions” are required; “conditions” are optional.
# Use Ctrl + Space to see autocomplete suggestions.

# ---- STARTERS ---- #
# Starters describe events that will start the automation.
# To add more than one starter, duplicate the "- type" section under "starters".
# If you add multiple starter events, any one of them happening will start the automation.
- type: device.state.MotionDetection # For devices that can detect motion.
state: motionDetectionEventInProgress
# <code>true</code> if a motion detection event is occurring. [available operators: is, isNot]
is: true
device: Dining Room - Kitchen

# ---- CONDITIONS ---- #
# Conditions are optional. Delete this section if it’s empty.
# Conditions will prevent an automation from starting if the conditions aren’t met.
# See for documentation about how to use logical operators like “and”, “or”, and “not”.
type: time.between
# Optional. Accepts either clock time (10:00:00 AM, with seconds optional, or in a 24 hour format), or 'sunrise' or 'sunset', with an optional offset ('sunrise+10m', for instance)
before: sunset # HH:MM (24 hours format). Adjust time as needed
# Optional. Accepts either clock time (10:00:00 AM, with seconds optional, or in a 24 hour format), or 'sunrise' or 'sunset', with an optional offset ('sunrise+10m', for instance)
after: 01:00 # HH:MM (24 hours format). Adjust time as needed
# Optional. Days of the week to apply condition on.

# ---- ACTIONS ---- #
# Actions will start when a starter event takes place and all conditions are met.
# Actions will start in the order they appear in the script and with any delay specified.
# To add more than one action, duplicate the "- type" section under "actions".
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
# Whether to turn the device on or off.
on: true
devices: Christmas Tree - Living Room
- type: time.delay
# Adjust duration as needed. Supported units: sec, min, hour
for: 10min
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
# Whether to turn the device on or off.
on: false
devices: Christmas Tree - Living Room


Here is what is working but should not because the motion sensor does not detect occupancy:

name: Aqara test # Choose a short name that summarizes important starters and actions, like “Sunset lights”.
description: Scripted automation # Write a detailed description that includes everything the automation does, like “At sunset, on weekdays, close blinds, turn on lights to 50%, and play the sunset playlist on certain speakers.”

# “starters” and “actions” are required; “conditions” are optional.
# Use Ctrl + Space to see autocomplete suggestions.

# ---- STARTERS ---- #
# Starters describe events that will start the automation.
# To add more than one starter, duplicate the "- type" section under "starters".
# If you add multiple starter events, any one of them happening will start the automation.
- type: device.state.OccupancySensing # For devices that can detect occupancy, whether through PIR, ultrasonic, or physical contact sensing.
state: occupancy
# Whether the device senses occupancy. [available operators: is, isNot]
device: Motion Sensor P1 Stairs - Stairway

# ---- CONDITIONS ---- #
# Conditions are optional. Delete this section if it’s empty.
# Conditions will prevent an automation from starting if the conditions aren’t met.
# See for documentation about how to use logical operators like “and”, “or”, and “not”.
type: time.between
# Optional. Accepts either clock time (10:00:00 AM, with seconds optional, or in a 24 hour format), or 'sunrise' or 'sunset', with an optional offset ('sunrise+10m', for instance)
before: sunset # HH:MM (24 hours format). Adjust time as needed
# Optional. Accepts either clock time (10:00:00 AM, with seconds optional, or in a 24 hour format), or 'sunrise' or 'sunset', with an optional offset ('sunrise+10m', for instance)
after: 22:00 # HH:MM (24 hours format). Adjust time as needed
# Optional. Days of the week to apply condition on.

# ---- ACTIONS ---- #
# Actions will start when a starter event takes place and all conditions are met.
# Actions will start in the order they appear in the script and with any delay specified.
# To add more than one action, duplicate the "- type" section under "actions".
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
# Whether to turn the device on or off.
on: true
devices: Christmas Tree - Living Room
- type: time.delay
# Adjust duration as needed. Supported units: sec, min, hour
for: 10min
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
# Whether to turn the device on or off.
on: false
devices: Christmas Tree - Living Room


The Aqara FP2 Occupancy sensor does not show up if you are looking for occupancy as a trigger!

Community Member

Idea: allow apps like SiriusXM to be added to nest hub (gen 2)

Community Member

Hi everyone.

What I could need is an IF THEN ELSE structure in the script editor. Example:

Starter: "Hey Google - Windows"

Condition 1: Before 1600
Action: Open a group of window shades

Condition 2: After 1600
Action: Close a group of window shades

Benefit is, I'd have a single command that - depending of the time of day or whatever else - results in two different actions.

Community Member

I have a drainage system around the house and after heavy rainfall I'm using a sump pump to remove the water.

The pump gets its power via a Shelly device, meaning I can already control the pump remotely.

I just bought a sensor that detects water. I'd like to combine the two devices, meaning when a certain level of water has been reached, I'd like to activate the pump for 10 minutes and switch it off again until the next time that certain water level has been reached.

I bought a Luminea water detector that can be included in Tuya Smart Life or Elesion apps, but Google Home so far won't recognize such water detecting devices.

It would be great if thoese devices were available. So far I can't see any of them in the supported devices list.

Community Member

Idea: Allow the Nest thermostats to trigger routines when the AC is ACTIVELY on

OR pair AC units to the Nest thermostat directly so no routine would be needed

Example Automation: Sync up my smart Midea window units with my in-home AC

Basically allowing me to adjust my nest thermostat, and it effect my smart window units, and maybe fans on smart plugs

Community Member
  • Idea: Add a way to use calendar as a starter or condition based on what is on the schedule for the day.
  • Example automation: I have a script that I use as an alarm to wake the kids up for school.  It would be great if I could configure the script to verify it is a school day (by looking at the calendar) and if it isn't skip the alarm or play a different routine.