12-27-2022 08:12 AM
I recently got some of the Nest Thermostats for Christmas. According to the compatibility checker, I might need a Nest Learning Thermostat for my system. Can anyone confirm if I should return the Nest Thermostat and get the Learning? Pictures are below. We're in Georgia, the system is a heat pump with electric furnace.
The other side of the house is a different system, but has a furnace as well. There was a jumper between W2 and E, and the brown wire wasn't used. I connected a Nest Thermostat here, and I think it is working as expected (picture attached).
thermostat wiring
Other side of house:
other side of house after Nest
other side with W2/E jumper
01-19-2023 03:36 PM
Hey there,
Sorry for the late reply. I wanted to follow up and see if I could be of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any trouble from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
Best regards,
01-26-2023 01:14 PM
Hey there,
I wanted to check in and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know, as I would be happy to assist, and answer any questions you may have.
Best regards,
01-27-2023 09:47 AM
Hey there,
I wanted to check in, and let you know that I will be locking the thread in 24 hours.
Best regards,