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Yi Home/Kami

Community Member

I am not able to connect my Yi home or Kami account to my Google Home account. When I try it prompts me to login, I input my credentials and the it gives me the dreaded “Something went wrong. Try again.” It seems like others are having this same issue, is there any solution?



Community Member

Did you try updating the google home app?

Thank you for the reply,

I am currently on Version 262.0 and there is no update available

Maybe support ended, i will leave this up to someone who is more experinced with these kind of issues.

From the research I’ve done about this issue, it appears that its been working on and off for the better part of this year. 

Community Member

Anybody have any ideas?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello CollinB,


Thanks for sharing details about the issue. I appreciate MaarenSecond for helping here. I know how it feels when you're having issues linking your Yi Home or Kami Account to the Google Home app. To confirm, have you tried using a different phone or tablet? What is the make and model of your phone?


Let's try these steps below:


  1. Uninstall the Google Home app on your phone.
  2. Restart your phone.
  3. Re-install the Google Home app then try to re-link your Yi Home or Kami account.


Let me know how it goes.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi CollinB, 

Have you tried the troubleshooting steps that Muddi provided? Let me know if that did the trick or not, so we can try something else. 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update within 24 hours. If you need assistance or want to discuss topics, feel free to start a new thread.

