09-08-2023 07:54 AM
I need help with a humidity based automation.
My current automation works in a that whenever a certain level of humidity is reached, the dehumidifier will turn on and keep running until the desired level of humidity is attained and will turn off own its own after that. However, I'm not able to get a notification about the current humidity level on my phone. Is there a way to store the "state: humidityAmbientPercent" into a variable and send it in the body of the notification?
Also, I am able to use the basic notifications which is just has a header and the body with text but I'm not able to use any real time data of the dehumidifier in those notifications.
09-19-2023 01:54 PM
I thInk it's not possible for the moment. I don't see any variable in Automation.
11-18-2023 11:56 PM
Je cherche aussi et je pense que c'est indispensable de résoudre ce manque