04-27-2024 08:09 PM
Please help! I got my thermostat in October and wired it perfectly for 2 stage heating. Now the outside temps suddenly jumped overnight, so I switched to cool, and the stage 2 cooling will not stay on. It kicks on for a second and then kicks off.
I seem to remember reading that a wire needs to be switched when the seasons change from heat to cool, but I can't remember what that wire is.
Please help! My house will not cool down right now!
I can't figure out how to post a picture from my phone, but I have wires in:
Y1 Y2 G Rc W1 W2 Aux
2 stage heat worked perfectly all winter.
05-01-2024 09:43 AM
Hi Please384234568,
Thanks for posting! There shouldn't be a wire you need to physically swap between heating and cooling seasons with a Nest thermostat. Two potential causes could be at play here:
Wiring Misconfiguration: Double-check your Nest wiring, especially the Y wires. Here's what to look for:
System Issues: There's a possibility the issue lies with your HVAC system itself. Here's what to try:
You can also try additional troubleshooting steps by referring to this help article: Troubleshoot strange heating or cooling behavior.
Let me know hot it goes!