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Connectivity or heating learning issue?

Community Member


I’ve turned on the heat with the Nest to a temperature of 68, the furnace turned ons and heated to about 66 and turned off for about 1 minute then heated to 68-69 and turned off. It’s been about 1hr and the temp has dropped to 63 and the Nest is in heating mode but doesn’t seem to turn on the furnace.

This has happened several times and I’m wondering if it is an issue with the Nest / a setting / or some electrical.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Clifford,

I'm sorry to hear about the issues you're experiencing with your Nest Thermostat. It sounds like there might be a few potential reasons for the inconsistent heating. Here are a few suggestions you can try to troubleshoot the problem:


  1. Make sure that your Nest Thermostat is set to the desired temperature and mode. Sometimes, incorrect settings can lead to heating issues. Verify that the schedule and temperature settings are configured correctly.
  2. Try turning off the power to your Nest Thermostat for a minute, and then turn it back on. This can help refresh the system and resolve minor glitches.
  3. Check for any wiring reports or message codes that could tell us about a power-related issue.
  4. If your Nest Thermostat is not connected to a C-wire (common wire), it might not be receiving enough power. Consider installing a C-wire for a more stable power supply.
  5. Ensure that the Nest Thermostat is correctly wired to your furnace. Loose or disconnected wires could be causing the problem. If you're not comfortable doing this yourself, it might be worth consulting a local HVAC technician.


Let me know if you have more questions.

Best regards,