12-26-2023 12:45 PM
I have a Nest thermostat installed for a new heat pump installed this summer. Everything worked beautifully for months with A/C and heat until the temperature hit 17 degrees (alternate fuel temp was set at 20). When the thermostat initiated alternate fuel (oil furnace) the heat wouldn't come on. It appeared it called the furnace, but the fan wouldn't turn on or blow heat.
The heat pump installer came out today, but isn't very familiar with Nest thermostats and didn't have a solution. He is "going to do some research". Has anyone had this issue and perhaps can recommend a fix?
01-03-2024 08:29 AM
Hi DJS57,
It sounds like you're dealing with a situation with your Nest Thermostat and heat pump. It's not uncommon for compatibility issues to arise, especially when dealing with alternate fuel sources like an oil furnace.
While your installer is looking into a solution, there are a few things you might want to check on your end as well. First, ensure that your Nest Thermostat is updated to the latest software version. Sometimes, updates can resolve compatibility issues or bugs. You can find this in the settings menu.
Additionally, check if there are any specific settings related to the alternate fuel source on your thermostat. Make sure all the configurations are accurate, and you may want to try adjusting the temperature settings to see if that triggers the alternate fuel properly.
Let us know how it goes.