02-17-2024 06:01 PM
Jumping from 15 to 30 minutes of run time per hour for the fan schedule is not fine grain enough. As an example, I'd like to run the fan for 20 minutes each hour as 15 is a little short. I shouldn't need to double the run time to 30 minutes. (You must literally hate the earth to make people double run time like this *j) I'd like to see the setting become a spinning dial with 5 Minute increments vs just having 15,30,45,or 60 minute options (horizontally falling off the screen...see screenshot).
02-24-2024 02:39 PM
Hi oneWiLLiAMS,
We appreciate your request for this additional feature, and please be assured that our product team is working non-stop with different partners to bring the best features to our Google Nest devices. So, please let our product team know about it by sending feedback.