11-21-2023 07:16 PM
Hi, I'm a newbie to this forum so hello and thanks in advance for all help!
I had a Gen 3 Learning Thermostat installed six months ago and originally, the manual ring settings for both forced air AC and heat modes appeared on the LED screen and worked fine, but now, no heating mode shows up on the screen and heat doesn't work. Attached are images showing: Current Equipment Detected (4), Current Equipment Sensed (4), Current Checked Wires (4), and Actual Wire Connections (shows 5!). Obviously, the white wire that should be the heat, isn't being recognized by the Nest anymore. Arg!
I've restarted the Nest and got the same results. Any suggestions on how to fix? Why would the wiring work manually for months, but then just delete the heat system function?
On another note (and I'll post separately after this issue gets fixed), is how to get the iOS Nest app working on my iPhone11 that has the correct software. Been having trouble setting up. Google specs show they're compatible. OK, maybe not every function but at least AC and Heat, but I can't get 'em to talk to each other. Computers, huh? Love em!
Thanks again for all help!
12-05-2023 10:06 AM
Hello ReedB6320,
Welcome to the forum! It's great to have you here, and I'm sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing with your Nest Learning Thermostat.
First, kudos on providing detailed information about the equipment and wiring. It makes troubleshooting much easier. From what you've shared, it seems like the Nest Thermostat is not recognizing the white wire responsible for the heat system. Here are a few suggestions to troubleshoot the issue:
Feel free to share updates or ask more questions as you work through these steps.