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Nest Cool to Dry not working?

Community Member

<span;>I do not have a dehumidifier on my furnace so I want to use Cool to Dry to switch on the AC when my humidity gets high in my house to remove the humidity. I just installed a Nest 3 thermostat in my Florida home so it's definitely needed as I travel back to Michigan during the summer months. I have a Nest 2 thermostat in my Michigan home but have never needed to use that feature.
<span;>I just got back from a 7 day cruise and Cool to Dry did not kick on as I was watching it on the app and also the history. Once Nest detects you've been gone for 3 days cool to dry is supposed to turn on the AC when the humidity in your house is above 65% which it did not do. It's also supposed to turn on the AC even when you're home anytime the humidity in your house is above 70%. While I was on the cruise the highest the humidity in my house got was 69% so I couldn't see if that worked. I called Nest to see what I was doing wrong and they said that because I didn't have a schedule for a temperature that is the reason it didn't kick on. The Nest representative barely spoke English so I'm not even sure if she knew what I was trying to to explain to her.
<span;>Does that make any sense? I still had my thermostat manually set to 80 degrees while I was gone just not any schedule as I turn my thermostat manually to what I want the temperature. I need this feature to work as I mentioned since I will be gone in the summer months. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

P. S. I have read and understand googles support page on how Cool 2 Dry works as stated in this link