02-14-2024 08:33 AM
I was under the impression that if I created a schedule in the Google Home app, my thermostat would automatically follow it and switch modes if needed between Heat, Cool, and Heat/Cool (I'm basing this off of https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/9247301?hl=en&ref_topic=9361874#zippy=%2Cwhat-each-mode...). I created a schedule that's
"Morning": Heat/Cool 68-71 starting at 7:45am
Comfort (preset): Heat/Cool 67-71 starting at 2pm
Sleep (preset): Heat/Cool 63-66 starting at 8:30pm
Before I added the Sleep preset I had the system in Cool mode before bed, and this morning it hadn't kicked over the the "Morning" routine. Does it not do that?
Also the help link above states that each mode can have it's own schedule, but I can't seem to actually configure that.
02-21-2024 05:47 AM
Hi AndreWharden,
Uh-oh! I'm sorry to hear that your thermostat won't switch mode for your schedule. Based on the information provided in the link you shared, your thermostat should automatically follow the schedule you created in the Google Home app and switch modes if needed between Heat, Cool, and Heat/Cool. However, it's important to note that the behavior of your thermostat may vary depending on the specific model and firmware version you have. It's possible that there could be compatibility issues or software bugs that are affecting the automatic mode switching.
To troubleshoot the issue, ensure that your thermostat is connected to Wi-Fi and is properly communicating with the Google Home app. Double-check the schedule you created in the Google Home app to make sure it is correctly configured with the desired modes and temperature ranges. And verify that your thermostat's firmware is up to date. Sometimes, software updates can address known issues and improve compatibility.
Let us know how it goes.