12-11-2023 11:10 AM
I work from home, non-standard hours from 5 AM to 2 pm. I have my own office in the house. I have the main 3rd gen nest schedule to begin heat/cool at 4:30 AM so my office is ready to go (hopefully) later, but the office is on a different floor then the main therm. and my office doesn't really get set properly. I am looking to get a sensor, but from what I have seen, the schedule if pre-determined. How can I make the sensor work with my schedule?
12-14-2023 09:27 AM - edited 12-14-2023 09:28 AM
Hi dasher,
To make the Nest Temperature Sensor work with your non-standard work schedule, you can utilize the "Home/Away Assist" feature in combination with the sensor to achieve the desired temperature in your office. The Nest Temperature Sensor allows for better control over office temperature during non-standard work hours by customizing Home/Away Assist settings, prioritizing comfort in the office during scheduled hours, even if the rest of the house follows a different schedule. Here's how you can set it up:
Let us know if that helps.
12-14-2023 08:51 PM
The issue is that a user can't define what the hours are for Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Night. We're forced into the pre-determined hours. What if we keep different hours on the weekend?
What if "Night" for us starts at 11pm or midnight instead of 9pm? We have our remote sensor in the bedroom, as we want to make sure our bedroom is the proper temp overnight. But if we're watching TV downstairs in the living room, even though the heat schedule on the Nest isn't programmed to turn down until 11:30pm, it can start getting cold downstairs because the bedroom upstairs is still at/above the set temp from 9pm to 11:30pm. Let us change the sensor times to reflect the times we *actually* need the remote sensor to sense!
12-15-2023 12:44 PM
Hi Rob562,
I definitely understand your frustration and disappointment in this matter. We don't have anything else to share right now, but stay tuned for more news and updates. Please be assured that our product team is working non-stop with different partners to bring the best features to our Google Nest devices. So, please let our product team know about it by sending feedback.
01-01-2024 04:56 PM
Long time users of the sensor have been asking for this since it came out. I hate that I also can’t control the days of the week… I don’t care what the temp is in my home office on the weekends.
in summary… don’t hold your breath waiting on Google to improve this feature.