03-07-2024 07:18 PM
Nest thermostat stopped working, turned off. Is there a customer service pH number for service?
Answered! Go to the Recommended Answer.
03-07-2024 09:23 PM
Check your drain pan to make sure it’s not full of water. The float switch (cut off), might have been triggered to cut off power to your unit.
03-08-2024 10:20 AM
Unfortunately, Google Nest does not have a published Support phone number. To contact Support:
1. Go to https://support.google.com/googlenest/gethelp.
2. Select a category/product family, and type in a brief description of the issue, then click "Next".
3. Click "Other", then click "Next step".
4. Under "Resources", just click "Next step". (Clicking one of the listed links will bring up a Help page page.)
5. Under "Contact options", choose to get a phone call or chat with the team, depending on availability in your country.
03-07-2024 08:05 PM
Mine did the same thing around the same time you posted this? What is going on?
03-07-2024 09:11 PM
I've read that other customers are having similar problems as well. I've been unsuccessful in finding a working customer service.!!!
03-07-2024 09:23 PM
Check your drain pan to make sure it’s not full of water. The float switch (cut off), might have been triggered to cut off power to your unit.
03-08-2024 08:26 PM
Thanks I'll try this 🤞
03-10-2024 02:20 PM
Hi folks,
Thanks for your help, @CJAY93 and @MplsCustomer.
@RosieT, have you already tried the suggested steps from MplsCustomer? If so, how did it go?
Keep us posted.
03-10-2024 10:46 PM
Good evening. Nest still not working. I checked the drain pan and it's empty no water. I'll try Google support and provide an update tomorrow. Thank you
03-13-2024 06:42 AM
Hi RosieT,
It's me again—how's your conversation with our support team? Any updates?
03-13-2024 08:45 PM
Hi there, I had to contact google support twice (both times they looked up my device via the serial #). First attempt I was asked to charge the device for couple of hours. After connecting i notice it would not read the current temp correctly; this did not resolve the issue as it turned off again over night. Second Contact, the support person wanted me to look and handle the electrical wires and look into my electrical panel and also my water heater...I indicated i had no way of knowing what I would be doing at all. The representative later indicated it was probably the device being defective. They send me a link on which I had to purchase a new device and told once I returned the defective one I would receive a refund.
The new device arrived today. So here I am with a new device and now having to look for someone to remove the old one and install the new one. Still no working thermostat, hoping to get one soon.
03-16-2024 08:56 AM
Hi there,
Thanks for getting back to us. If you want someone to install your Nest products for you, book an appointment with OnTech Smart Services. Follow up with OnTech for questions about fees or if you need follow-up assistance with the installation.
03-22-2024 05:04 PM
Hi thank you for this information. I'll reach out to them once (I recover) and get back home!
03-23-2024 09:17 AM
Hello RosieT,
Alright then! I'll keep this thread open and wait for your update.
Kind regards,
03-30-2024 02:51 PM
Hello, I went to the link you shared; there is a price of $159 for the installation. I have to request this installation because the first device was defective. Can I obtain a credit? I don't think it's fair that I have to pay since the device stopped working? Any Advice? Thank you.
03-31-2024 01:33 PM
Hi RosieT,
Thanks for the information, I understand that the previous thermostat didn't work as you expected and now you have to pay an extra service to install the new one but unfortunately Google doesn't cover those expenses and you have to pay for it.
If you have more questions, do not hesitate to reply to this post
Best regards,
03-08-2024 10:20 AM
Unfortunately, Google Nest does not have a published Support phone number. To contact Support:
1. Go to https://support.google.com/googlenest/gethelp.
2. Select a category/product family, and type in a brief description of the issue, then click "Next".
3. Click "Other", then click "Next step".
4. Under "Resources", just click "Next step". (Clicking one of the listed links will bring up a Help page page.)
5. Under "Contact options", choose to get a phone call or chat with the team, depending on availability in your country.