07-09-2022 09:48 PM
When can we expect to get functionality that will allow users to block MAC addresses? Or whitelist (only allow defined MAC addresses to connect to the network) or blacklist (allow all MAC addresses except those defined as being blocked/banned)? Every router I've had in the last 10+ years has had this functionality.
I've had a few unknown devices come up and despite pausing them, the Home app still reports upload/download activity for them.
The only workaround I've found is to change my WiFi password, but that means I have to re-enter my password on all of my devices that connect to my Google WiFi system. Having to do this for several devices just to get rid of a couple isn't practical.
I thought Google/Nest WiFi was supposed to be a secure solution for home users, but not having this functionality is a big miss.
07-14-2022 09:46 AM
Hello, norsairius.
I'm sorry for the frustration you've had trying to restrict specific devices from connecting to the network. While you mentioned that changing the password is the most secure method for keeping access limited, one of our Product Experts, @MichaelP gave a great explanation of why this is the case in another thread. His post can be found here: https://bit.ly/3z2vs8D.
And I can definitely understand why even with the workarounds a MAC address block would be useful, it's not currently in the functionality. I would be happy to suggest this to our internal teams as something you would like to see added to the product. Let me know if you have any questions.
- Jeff
07-18-2022 10:03 AM
Hi, norsairius.
I just wanted to check in real fast to see if you saw my reply and to find out if you still needed any help on this. If you're still needing assistance, please just let me know and I'll be happy to continue helping.
- Jeff
07-19-2022 01:12 PM - edited 07-19-2022 01:13 PM
Thanks for checking in. We can consider this closed. While MichaelP did provide some useful info, there are other scenarios where a whitelist or blacklist for MAC addresses and/or simply being able to block individual MAC addresses would be helpful. Since there are no other workarounds until Google develops the functionality to block MAC addresses individually or use a whitelist/blacklist filter, I don't believe there needs to be more discussion. The solution to me at this point is for Google to provide those features to its customers.
I understand there's only so much you and others at Google can do, so I appreciate you providing this feedback to your internal teams and for your help around here.
07-21-2022 09:03 AM
Sounds good, norsairius. I will definitely get the feedback sent along to our teams and I appreciate the very detailed response for why it would be helpful for you and others.