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Family bell is necessary please don’t discontinue this feature!

Community Member

Family bell is crucial for those needing memory care. We need it to help our loved one who has dementia remember it's time to eat and when to dress and go to bed and everything in between. If family bell is discontinued (the entire reason we wired her home with google speakers in every room) what then? She will never remember to use a prompt. Routines are definitely not enough! Is there a way we can keep family bell??


Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Thanks @Angel22 for voicing your feedback about the Family Bell depreciation.  Not sure why Google's decided to remove it as so many used it. It will be missed by many Community Members like yourself.

Community Member

not only is it necessary for dementia and Alzheimer’s patients but it’s use is a crucial tool for this demographic and for elderly and forgetful people. Please continue making the family bell available!  

Community Member

I do use family bell and frustrating to see it get killed, but have followed their guidance and instead replaced it with scheduled announcements. Just don't get the additional noises that come with the messages!

Community Member

We use Family Bell every day to keep our daughter on track with her morning chores before school. Since it started not being able

to be ticked off, she has really lost all motivation and we’ve gone back to sounding like nagging parents!!


please leave it and return it’s full functionality. 

Community Member

Hi 26, nearly 27 year old with a recent (1.5year) ADHD diagnosis and I'm college. This is admittedly more of a rant regarding others with memory and focus issues who relied on this feature every single day of their life since they came across it...


Like others I see here I used Family Bells 24/7 after it was highly recommended by my therapist especially after I told her I have a nest (after her recommendation I even went out and "invested" in an additional units to spread out around our apartment). Since it's disconnect my life has been an absolute hell! The ability to have a set alarm at a given time is one thing. Having a pre-made interactive routine at scheduled time with all the steps I need to do communicated to me, and the alarm reminds me about each step untill I FULLY complete said routine, is another... 


Here in Canada the end of Feb this service shut down. I'll use day 5 (yesterday) without it to explain... I disconnected from my school work late, meaning I went to bed 2hrs late because of that, didn't pick out what to wear the next day, definitely forgot something as simple as "brush teeth" and I'm sure there's other things I'm forgetting about right now. This morning I had all the wrong books, my assignment was still on my printer (at home) and my ability to focus was out the window cause I was panicking about "what else did I forget to do, what if tomorrow's the same!"


I've had some tell me simply write my routine down... Having something that will remind me to keep coming back to it for my next step and (key point) keep my attention on the task was a game changer. Having a list in another room that doesn't remind me I'm doing something, or my phone which goes off because someone liked something I sent them... Now I'm distracted and going down the rabbit hole...


I SERIOUSLY want this feature back!!!!! It was literally the only this that has kept my life on track!

You can replace it with scheduled announcements, you just don't get the noises. 

Community Member

I had family bell set up before they discontinued it. Now I can not change the bells or turn them off. Please help they are driving me crazy at 5:30am.

Community Member

My existing family bells are still working correctly to this day even though they were supposed to be unavailable at the end of February. I haven't tried editing any of them or tried adding a new bell. I am able to turn them off and on again without any problems so I'm not sure what is going on. I hope they reverse their decision to discontinue family bells.

How do you get to them to turn them off?