06-01-2024 08:14 AM
I had the Wifi 1st generation for years at our previous house and had NO issues. One year ago we moved into a new house and had to get the nest wifi pros. My husband has complained from day one about his internet connectivity when working from home and I have tried to troubleshoot it sporadically throughout the year (since we all know it is a big pain). I wanted to make sure that I absolutely didn't have any weak points throughout our house and property so I now have SEVEN google nest wifi pro points throughout my house and Xfinity as my ISP. On a daily basis, the points drop their connection. I can test my mesh connection three times in a row and the results are different each time. Some points are worse than others but it happens to all of them except that one that is plugged into the router.
The issue has to be with Nest WIFI pros. Which is so disappointing and I don't really know how to troubleshoot it any further. I have done the resets, password and network do not have special characters, etc. I have called Xfinity and the signal on their end is fine. I am not sure that the firmware is updated with the most recent update as the most updated version that I was able to find online does not match the version I have BUT apparently the updates are automatic?!? I literally don't have the bandwidth (pun intended!) to deal with this and my family who keeps complaining of our "terrible internet" when I pay top dollar for the best and fastest internet from Xfinity.
Anyone have any other ideas?
06-02-2024 06:11 PM
Similar issues happening with me currently. Lack of logs/transparency in what is going on is frustrating. Just submitted a "form" to hopefully get assistance.
06-02-2024 07:15 PM
So I called customer service, which I was dreading all along...but it was actually quite painless to get through. I told them I had done all the initial steps, etc., so I didn't want to waste time going through those. They made me change my DNS settings after asking me if anyone "games" in my house. My son plays video games but the issue is all the time when he is at school and my husband and/or I are working from home. Since I have made the changes, it seems better, although this upcoming work week will tell. I was on the phone for about 30 minutes. Fingers crossed but I am cautiously optimistic.
06-02-2024 07:16 PM
Oh, and they were able to see some logs -- not sure what they were able to see but they did ask for access to my network.