04-24-2024 08:03 AM
I am trying to find out if there has been a fix for this yet?
Everyday like clockwork the Google Nest WIFI drops out and won't reconnect unless I unplug and plug back in the main google router point. As you can imagine this is utterly annoying and completely unacceptable for a product that is supposed to work seamlessly.
Though sadly it appears there isn't actually a fix for this?
Yes, I've tried bridge mode, yes I've tried no special characters in password etc.. (none of these things SHOULD MATTER).
From perusing this forum it appears this is a overly common issue that google is not addressing, is that still true? Or is there an actual fix yet?
It seems every single "solution" is to buy a different product (see links above).
Will there be a firmware update? What is going on here? It looks like this has been an issue since 2021 and is still not fixed? I really wish I read these forums before dropping money on this overpriced paperweight. I am at the end of my rope, all I want is for the product I paid an arm and a leg for to freaking work.
Pretty sure this will be the last product I buy from google. Garbage.
04-27-2024 10:45 AM
I am at the point where it's almost better to disconnect all the nodes and just use the main router as is because, the signal is at least stable. This google engineering at it's finest .... I thought they only hired the best.. lol
04-28-2024 06:35 AM
Well it disconnected 3 times on one day.. This is absolutely ridiculous. I was considering buying a Pixel 2 Tablet when they were released. But I will now 100% be never buying a google product again. I am considering dumping Chome and going back to FireFox as well after this..
No customer service, no answers no "real" solutions. What an absolute garbage product.