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Google WiFi compatibilty

Community Member

Is anyone able to confirm if an NLS-1304-25 is compatible with an AC-1304? I have 3 x AC-1304s running well but a second hand NLS-1304-25 I just bought won't connect wirelessly. It will connect over ethernet straight to one of the AC-1304s. I can't work out if it is a compatibility issue or a dead WiFi antenna...?

Any help appreciated.



Community Member

Very strangely, having set up up with an ethernet connection to another point, then disconnecting the ethernet and rebooting it, it comes up flashing red. But a Mesh test in the app claims it has a "good" connection despite the device flashing red. I can't get a response when I try to ping it, but can from all my others. So I have no idea what the Home app mesh test thinks is happening!

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

All Google Wifi and Nest Wifi units except Nest Wifi Pro are compatible.

What I suspect could be the problem here is that these units are made to fit regulations/rules for the given region/contry they're sold, and mixing regions often won't work. The setup guide mentions this too:

What region do your units report? It should say on the packaging, else you can go to "<the IP of a Google Wifi unit>/api/v1/status" in a web browser from a device connected to the Google Wifi network. Example:

You'll get a JSON where it will say "countryCode". Mine says "nordic".

I don't work for Google.