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Google mesh router stops working in cold

Community Member

We have our Starlink router in a detached garage attic and it is hardwired to a Google mesh router and then that connects to other Google mesh routers including two more that are in non-climate controlled areas. It seems that when the temperatures drop especially at night, the connected router does fine but the wireless routers in the non-climate controlled go offline. Do we need to try to insulate the wireless routers? If we do that what's the best way to do that without decreasing the signal or increasing the condensation? Thanks! 

1 Recommended Answer

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

Here you can read what temperatures the Nest Wifi devices are designed to work in:

They are clearly not made for outside usage. An example of a unit that is, is the Ubiquiti UniFi U6 Mesh:

I don't work for Google.

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Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

Here you can read what temperatures the Nest Wifi devices are designed to work in:

They are clearly not made for outside usage. An example of a unit that is, is the Ubiquiti UniFi U6 Mesh:

I don't work for Google.