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Mesh Access point Missing Barcode

Community Member

I have a Nest Router and Access Point that I'm trying to setup and for reasons unknown the Access point is missing it's bottom plate, where the barcode would be attached leaving me with an otherwise bare device with no print on it anywhere. 


So when I went to pair it to the router it was found just fine, but then it wants the barcode scanned, which I can not. 

So I looked online how to skirt the issue and it said I needed to plug it directly into a computer and pull the ssid and psk and then enter them manually, ok, cool found a workaround, grabbed the device, sat down at the computer and went to plug it in, only to realize the stupid thing doesn't have an ethernet connection. Power plug only, and that's it.

That's where I'm at and seriously hoping there is something else I can do to get this thing paired, Because trashing it solely because it's missing a barcode seems very unreasonable. 

Any advice how to proceed would be gratefully received.

Thank you


Community Member

Have I posted in the wrong section? 

Surely didn't anticipate not receiving a single response to this...

Am I just totally screwed  and no one wants to be the one that tells me?

Or is this forum just absent the folks who give answers instead of asking them?

One of those is bound to be true, but which one? 😉

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there demonseedxp,


Thanks for reaching out to our community.


I understand that it can be frustrating when the entry key or QR code, which is located at the bottom of your Nest WiFi point, is inaccessible due to a missing part.


I recommend filling out this form so we can take a closer look at your device and determine what would be the best course of action to get it set up.

Once you've submitted the form let me know. We'll keep an eye out for your response.


Let me know how it goes.




Community Member

I'm confused, what is that form meant to do that this thread wasn't?  I expected some product info form but instead its a form asking for more personal info I don't freely hand out and a recap of exactly what I've posted here, so in essence  just a ploy to extract personal details that I don't see necessary in order to help me resolve this, so what's with the form?  


I fail to see how knowing my real name and phone number can help get this resolved, but if I'm wrong then please enlighten me.

Community Member

Well against my better judgment I've done as requested, to what end I am unsure, but it's done none the less. So now what, because the exiting statement of the form definitely gave the impression that I wouldn't be hearing from whom ever was on the receiving end of it, so again,  what now?

Community Member

So I still haven't heard a single word from anyone here nor from the requested form I was asked to fill out, so am I to assume that this is not going to get resolved?

Community Member

Well I'm not sure how to proceed with this. so maybe someone here could advise me what I should do next. 

After waiting over 2 weeks, someone did eventually contact me whom seemed like an official google support representative, asked for some info from me, a pic proof of purchase and serial number to which I promptly supplied everything. Then nothing ever happened. No action taken, no response or acknowledgment that I had even sent what they requested. After a week I sent a follow up email just to confirm the first one was received, and I never got a response to that either. 

I can't tell if it's incompetence or just extremely bad customer service, but this is kinda nuts.  almost a month since I first inquired about this and  I'm no closer to getting it solved then when I started.

In the one email I got that person did say that if I had any more questions I could use the case number as a reference  and send another message, but I don't even know how to do that. I have yet to see any sort of direct contact info for anyone so I don't know what good that reference number is going to do me.

Does it always take weeks to hear back from these people? How long should I wait before I assume they've abended the case, and try again? I just really don't know what I should do, any advice would be very appreciated.  

Hiya demonseedxp,


Thanks for letting us know. 
I checked your case with the team. We reached a resolution on May 17th. We even sent you multiple emails on how to proceed, but it seems you aren't receiving them.
We acknowledged your follow-up email, but haven't heard back from you yet.
Ensure checking any folders where these emails might have landed, such as your spam or promotions folder. I'll let the team know and try sending them again in case there's an issue on our end.
I appreciate your understanding.


