07-10-2023 06:49 AM
I set up my router and modem on Friday (7/7). Everything was great, however once a day my router goes offline and stays offline until I hard reset my modem. I would like to establish a better connection to prevent this from happening.
I still am able to use all my internet dependent apps as if I am online, load videos, check emails and social media. The issue is if I go to click a link to a website (using chrome) that is when it tells me to check my connection.
Please some advice or ask questions and I can clarify.
07-11-2023 09:35 AM
I am having same problem. WI fi continually disconnects for no reason despite repeated settings re connection. Settings show strong signal.
07-12-2023 12:14 PM
I have the same issue too. For the last few weeks my wifi connectivity and quality has been behaving badly. I've rebooted everything - including my AT&T modem - and the issue persists. All equipment has been in place for 2+ years. No issue with AT&T. No issue with Nest router connecting to modem. Major issues started 2+ weeks ago between what seems to be the Nest router and the 3 extenders in the house. Sometimes the signal just drops for 2 to 3 minutes and then reconnects. Other times the extenders don't seem to be beaming on connected devices. Devices include Macs, iPhones, iPads, Chromebook and Samsung TVs. Has Nest pushed a software update that needs fixing? Prior to the above issue, the system was a close to perfect as it can be. Note: My large Sony TV is connected to the modem and works perfectly, even when the Nest issues are in full play. Help!!!!
09-19-2023 01:32 PM
Hi folks,
That certainly isn’t the experience we want you to have and apologies for the delay. A few questions: are you using a modem/router combo from your Internet Service Provider (ISP)? Also, do you have any paused devices?
We know that you’ve already tried other options. It would be a pleasure to help you get through this. Kindly try these steps:
You may skip any step that you’ve done already.
Let us know how it goes.