01-12-2023 07:09 AM
Nest wifi pro 6e points keep randomly going offline. When connected, the mesh test indicates great connection.
01-13-2023 12:10 PM
I experience the same roughly every other day. When it happens, I literally do nothing other than wait. All devices on the network regardless of room/location. its feels like a hardware panic attack which triggers a restart of the network.
I'm waiting for next firmwAre update. I'm not moving pods, restarting myself, factory reset or any suggestion down those lines.
01-15-2023 03:58 PM - edited 01-28-2023 09:21 PM
Hey folks,
@bnydegger, thanks for reaching out — let's see what's going on.
A few questions: have there been any recent changes on your network structure? Are you using a modem/router combo provided by your Internet service provider (ISP)? Also make sure that there are no special characters on your network's name and password.
Try giving these steps a try:
@Agentgill, we totally understand that troubleshooting can be frustrating, but these are the most helpful steps to figure out what's going on with your device. Let's give them a try!
Regarding updates, your devices will automatically receive over-the-air updates about any software and hardware-related fix or firmware updates as long as it's constantly powered on and connected to the Wi-Fi network. Since your devices didn’t get any updates yet, I suggest trying the troubleshooting steps first. If you can also provide answers to the questions I asked bnydegger, that would be great.
Let us know how it goes.
01-18-2023 06:44 PM
Hi everyone,
Chiming in to see if you still need assistance with this. Hope the previous post helped. Let us know if you have additional questions ― we'd love to help.
01-18-2023 09:20 PM
Hi Abi,
Thanks for the suggestions. bnydegger responses. There haven’t been any recent changes to the network structure. My cable modem is from Xfinity. I did have a special character in the password of my network. I changed so there are no special characters in either the network name or password. Before I try anything else, I will see if this solves the problem. Later now. It didn't solve the problem. Nest Wifi Pro 6E points continue to drop offline. Rather than reset the network and start again, I'm also going to wait for a new firmware update. After all, when I first did the install, in essence it started from scratch (factory reset) and updated the firmware. It appears to me to be a Google problem, not a bnydegger problem. Am I missing something?
01-22-2023 09:00 PM
Hey bnydegger,
I'm sorry to hear that you're still having an issue with your Nest Wifi Pro. We'd like to take a deeper look into this — could you fill out this form and let us know once you're done?
01-25-2023 08:09 AM
I filled out the form. I sure hope this can be fixed before my return window is close.
01-25-2023 03:11 PM
Hi everyone,
@bnydegger we got your form — thanks for filling it out. Our team will reach out to you via email to further assist you. Let us know if you have other questions in mind.
@Agentgill I wanted to follow up and see if you were able to fill out the form? Let me know if you have additional questions.
I appreciate the help, Abi.
01-28-2023 09:19 PM
Hey Agentgill,
I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. If so, please fill out the form so we can help you further.
01-29-2023 08:32 AM
@AbigailF I'm happy to wait for the next firmware update rather than tweak the configuration and continue to troubleshoot. If you have a rough idea on how often firmware updates are released that would be of interest. Thank you for reaching out again. Best wishes Mike
01-31-2023 08:49 PM
Hi Agentgill,
We currently don't have any news on the next firmware update. Your Nest Wifi Pro will automatically receive over-the-air updates about any software and hardware-related fix or firmware updates as long as it's constantly powered on and connected to the Wi-Fi network. Let us know if you have any other questions and we'll be happy to help.
02-05-2023 07:06 PM
Hello Agentgill,
Checking back in should you still have some questions here. Let us know by replying to this thread.
02-06-2023 09:35 PM
Hey again Agentgill,
I'm just checking in to make sure that you've seen our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.
02-07-2023 11:41 AM
Nothing is resolved as far as bnydegger is concerned. The points still keep dropping off about once a day.
02-07-2023 04:36 PM
Hello bnydegger,
Our senior support has sent you an email. Kindly check as they are asking for some details from you. Let us know if you have any other questions or clarifications for now and we'll be happy to help.
02-13-2023 11:56 AM
I have the exact same issue and they asked me to troubleshoot it the exact same way but nothing got fixed. I have the 3 point kit and two of the ones that are hardwired has no issues except for the one that's connected to the network over wifi.
Just to test this out for myself because of how long it was taking to troubleshoot my network when I work from home and need a strong and reliable network, I bought another single wifi point to replace the one that keeps on going offline and placed it at the exact same spot using the same adapter and that hasn't disconnected yet.
I don't know it makes any difference but I'm curious to know if the first batch units were defective because I pre-ordered on the day of the announcement and I was coming from the previous-gen routers that had stronger and better signal than the Pro. Also, the reason I say if the batch was defective is because even though the other one doesn't go offline because it's hardwired when I run a mesh test, it shows that the signal is weak even though it's connected directly to the main router which is connected directly to my modem.
02-13-2023 12:04 PM
Interesting about the replacement. All 2 of my wifi points randomly go offline still. I'm probably past the point of being able to return to Costco.
02-13-2023 12:08 PM
Costco will definitely take it back as long as you're within the 1 year timeframe. You're lucky you bought it from Costco. I bought it from the Google Store and am really regretting it. I feel the new Eero 6e is more reliable than Google's attempt at the 6e router.
Just curious, are your other two points connected to the main one wirelessly? If so I wonder if it has something to do with the backhaul antenna being unreliable or just poorly designed.
02-13-2023 01:38 PM
My configuration is the main router connected via Ethernet cable. Another point is connected by Ethernet. 2 more points connected by wifi. The 2 wifi connected say great connection but are the 2 that drop offline.
02-13-2023 03:11 PM
What's interesting that after actually sharing my experience here, my point that's connected to the main router via ethernet actually went offline for the first time just 10 minutes ago and came back online after 5 minutes while the one connected via wifi (temporary new replacement) was still online. There's definitely something wrong with these routers for sure.
And I don't know if you experienced this but every few times a week, my guest network shows strong signal but won't have an internet connection while my main network has no issues at all. This is something I've noticed in the month since this is the first time there's and Airbnb guest actually using guest network for work.
02-13-2023 03:48 PM
I've had the Ethernet point go offline on e also but only once. I have not experienced any issues with my guest network.
02-13-2023 04:55 PM
That's interesting because this is not the first time my point that's hardwire went down based on the notification history in the Google Home app
02-18-2023 05:57 PM
Hello arshad14,
I'm sorry to hear you're also having this issue. To confirm, were you in contact with our Google support before? If yes, could you provide your case ID number so I can take a look? I'll wait for your update.
02-21-2023 07:54 AM
Case ID: 4-3643000033259
03-04-2023 10:02 AM
Hey arshad14,
I just want to give you a nudge should you still have some questions or concerns. We want to ensure everything's covered on your end.
02-21-2023 05:20 AM
Same issue with one of my WiFi Pro points. I've tried all the above troubleshooting steps and nothing has solved the issue.
02-21-2023 10:04 AM
I've not changed anything on the nest setup since my last post - things have stabilised a little, but as mentioned waiting on a firmware update to improve overall general stability and performance.
02-21-2023 10:06 AM
My advice is to wait if you have tried all the recommended steps more than a few times; otherwise, you will get caught in a never-ending loop of testing and reconfiguring.
02-21-2023 10:08 AM
I have at least 1 faulty device for sure because I picked up another Nest Pro to replace the one that was giving me issues and the new one isn't showing the same symptoms.
02-25-2023 05:49 PM
Hey folks,
@Christian8789, I'm sorry to hear that you're also having an issue with your Nest Wifi Pro. Could you also fill out this form? We’ll wait for your update.
@arshad14, thanks for the update. I checked your case and saw that a Google support agent is already working on it. You should get an email from them shortly.
@Agentgill, we appreciate your feedback and update. If ever you change your mind, you’re free to fill out the form so a senior support agent can assist you.
02-25-2023 07:57 PM - edited 02-25-2023 08:00 PM
Even though I've been assigned someone to my case and even provided them with a time for a callback, I never got the call, which was supposed to be sometime last week. I just got an email today asking once again for a time and date for a call back. Because time seems to be a foreign concept for someone from the Google Support team to call me back, I left it open for someone, anyone, to call me and get this issue resolved. Why should I have to buy another Nest Pro and troubleshoot it myself to see that it's a faulty point, which is what I've been telling them from the beginning?
This ticket has been open since last year and still no resolution. I'm beyond frustrated and hence not holding my breath anymore.
To anyone here hoping to get the issue resolved, don't hold your breath because they won't resolve the issue and will probably ask you to do the same things that I've been asked to do along with probably all of us here multiple times, move the router closer, turn it off and back on, try to do a factory reset, give us the support code so we can see what's going on... It's just super frustrating.
02-28-2023 04:22 PM
Hi arshad14,
That's not the experience we'd like you to have. Let us make it up to you. I've requested a follow-up to the senior support handling your case and you should be getting an update shortly. Don't hesitate to reply to this thread in case you have any other additional questions or clarifications.
03-05-2023 06:45 AM
Hi @AbigailF,
I have also been having the same connection loss issues with the new Nest WiFi Pro. I already use the old Nest Wifi and I never had any problems, but on the contrary, the experience was always amazing!
I've followed all the steps above, reset several times, changed the network name, etc. and the problems continue.
Since I work from home, I ended up turning the old Nest Wifis back on and creating a backup network. I already filled out the form you sent to other users with more details.
Anyway, to anticipate, I have 4 Nest Pros, all with the same firmware: Model: G6ZUC Software Version: 1.63.327820.
Hope Google fixes this soon!
03-06-2023 04:27 PM
Hello Urso,
We appreciate you doing all the troubleshooting steps. We weren't able to receive the form you sent. Could you fill out this form instead? Let me know once you're done. I'll wait for your update.
03-06-2023 05:06 PM
Hey @AbigailF
Thanks for your attention.
I filled out the form again and sent it to you just a few minutes ago.
03-07-2023 06:01 PM
Hi Urso,
We got your form — thanks for filling it out. Keep your lines open as our team will reach out to you via email anytime soon.
Also, please continue the conversation there as this thread will be locked after 24 hours.
03-08-2023 03:23 AM
03-13-2023 07:09 AM
03-13-2023 05:59 PM
Hey folks,
@arshad14, thanks for the update. I checked your case and saw that the senior support handling your case sent you an email regarding replacement eligibility. Please send the requirements so they can check it for you.
@Urso, I’ve sent a follow-up to the team handling your case. They should send you an email shortly. Our apologies for the delay.
03-14-2023 05:45 AM
I haven't received such email other than for my Pixel Bus Pro. Can you please ask the senior support staff to resend it to so that I can provide them with all the required details.