11-23-2022 08:42 AM
I replaced my old Google WiFi system with the Nest WiFi pro (3 ap system) and have regretted it ever since.
Problems Since Upgrading:
I'm not looking for help as I'm troubleshooting my way through this on my own. I'm not making much progress but I think it's a trial and error thing or I just need to wait for Google to patch a bad product. I would like to know if anyone else has had more problems than not though? Am I the only one?
I'm left wishing I hadn't given away my old system. I'd rather have what I had than this new one.
11-23-2022 05:52 PM
I started with original Google WiFi and it was rock solid for a few years, if not super fast. I added nodes over the years as I needed coverage into the garage, out to my driveway and deck. I eventually replaced a few Google point with Nest router and points. Again -- never got more than about 300Mbps over the mesh despite feeding it from a gigabit gateway. But it was solid. Then it went nuts in early September, corresponding to one of the firmware updates, and became virtually unusable for weeks. I thought I had it figured out - simplifying my mesh again - down to a router and 3 points laid out well -- performance improved and I was getting about 600 to 650 Mbps from the point in my basement office. I saw others here still struggling but I was ok... with my speeds still in the 600 range...until a couple of days ago. Interestingly, I read that "Google was fixing the problem", and my mesh became unusable for about 24 hours, with WiFi throughput dropping to 1 Mbps or less. I restarted the mesh a couple of times. I physically power cycled the router and points. Sometime today it became more usable, but the max mesh speeds that I get now -- despite verifying feeding about 875 to 900 Mbps into the Nest router -- are generally in the 240 to 325 Mbps range at best.
This is incredibly disappointing. We've had folks here telling us they're in contact with the Nest WiFi product team, but in more than a year, we have never been given ONE piece of information regarding what the product team thinks is going on.
Several folks with original Google WiFi or the Nest WiFi have recently upgraded to the new 6E units -- which, sadly, are not backward compatible. But it seems the experience is the same, and apparently horribly disappointing if you've just dropped $500 to try it out, thinking your experience would improve.
After the last few months with performance first having been stable, then unusable for weeks, then the best it had been in years, dreadful again earlier this week, and now passable but disappointing, I don't have any faith that the situation will improve. I really do wish we'd have some transparency from the product team, but it doesn't seem that this is anything we can expect.
Looks like I'm probably going to start checking out black Friday sales on other mesh platforms.
Great potential, but reality doesn't seem to be living up to it.
11-23-2022 07:15 PM
I just replaced the Quantum Gateway provided with Verizon FiOS with a Nest WiFi Pro, and I agree, it's not great. There is an excruciatingly noticeable difference in loading speeds on nearly all of my connected devices.
11-25-2022 06:33 AM
I just went through this. It took a few days for things to settle down, get patched, reboot both devices, etc, and now I'm reliably getting 900/700 into FiOS and 500/100 from wireless devices around the house. But I am using a one gig wired backhaul between my access points.
11-25-2022 09:05 AM
I currently don't have any access points, just the router replacement unit. Are you using additional Nest points or 3rd party?
11-25-2022 09:16 AM
I am getting pretty much same now.
11-24-2022 05:34 AM
I had the occasional disconnects and slower speeds but since update the drop outs are gone. I have 1GB speed, today actually have best speeds yet. This is from 2nd node.
11-24-2022 06:34 AM
Can you share a bit more detail about your configuration? It's your mesh router serving as the gateway to your gigabit service provider, or is it plugged into the LAN port of your ISP's gateway? Do you have a wired back haul, or is the mesh purely wireless? What's the physical configuration and distance between units? I'd be amazed to learn that a wireless node in a Nest WiFi mesh could actually deliver that kind of speed over WiFi. Very interested to learn more. Thanks in advance for any detail you can share.
11-24-2022 08:57 AM
Nest plugged directly into service provider modem. There is a wired back haul to the 2nd unit which is downstairs and about 60 ft away. Before last update even on wired back haul with ethernet to laptop I topped out at 250MB or so. Sorry last screen was ethernet to unit. The attached screen is wifi to the downstairs unit.
11-24-2022 09:24 AM
If you don't mind, when did the update come out and how can I tell if I got it?
12-02-2022 10:59 AM
Hey, JeffInKY.
You can see the version number in the Home app. Go into the WiFi menu, select your device, and click on the gear icon to see the info. It's listed under "Wi-Fi Information."
The newest firmware for the Nest WiFi Pro is 1.63.324946. If you see a different number, you've yet to receive the update.
12-06-2022 01:14 PM
Hey there,
I wanted to check in and see if you managed to see Jeff's post. Please let me know if you have any questions from here. I would be happy to assist, and make sure you are good to go.
Best regards,
12-06-2022 01:42 PM
Hi Jake. Thanks for following up! I did see his post and I do have the new update.
I am in the process of testing. I have a fairly unique scenario in that I am also using a content filtering device on my network (called Circle Home Plus) that seems to be having compatibility issues with the Nest WiFi Pro that the older Google WiFi system did not have. After removing the content filter and receiving the update, things seem to be better although my internet speeds aren't yet what they were.
I am in the middle of troubleshooting some additional tweaks with the support team from the Circle Home Plus that I'm hoping will allow me to add it back to my network....while Google's built in controls are a stop-gap, the advanced control that the Circle provides is a must have for my family.
Thanks again.
12-06-2022 03:54 PM
Hey JeffInKY,
Thanks for letting us know. We’ll wait for your update once you’re done troubleshooting with them.
12-12-2022 01:46 PM
Hi JeffInKY,
We’d like to check in again in case you have any further questions or concerns. Feel free to reply to this thread and we’ll help you out.
12-13-2022 01:57 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm just checking in to make sure that you've seen our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.