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PSA: Do not buy Nest Wifi or Nest Wifi Pro routers until they fix the connection dropout issues!!

Community Member

Ive seen similar issues posted here and tons of posts on Reddit so figured I would share my experience here in the hopes that others wont waste the same time dealing with Nest Wifi and Wifi Pro routers -  and Googles crap customer service. 


I had Nest Wifi with 2 mesh nodes for 3 years with 0 issues. My entire network is Google Home with google cams, nest thermostats, etc and I use google meet for work. So pretty much a 100% google household. Iv'e paid a substantial premium for all these products because I trusted Google and thought they were the best. I was wrong. 

6 months ago the Nest Wifi started dropping connection multiple times per day. Connection would go dead for 15-20 seconds then come back. Not as noticeable for regular internet use like surfing the web but on Google Meet calls, it was a disaster. I could watch the network latency in the google meet diagnostics panel go from perfect to then all of the sudden 300-1000ms of latency, nobody could hear me anymore, then it would go back to normal 20 seconds later. It would do this 3-4 times per phone call. Tried all the fixes recommended and no help (change dns, reboot, ensure no double nat, etc). So I assumed it was maybe my old Nest wifi router. So I bought the new Nest Pro for $400 - trusting Google doesnt inherently make bad products and this was just a fluke. I was wrong. 

First "Wifi Pro" seems like a misnomer and/or false advertising. It has less functionality than my original Nest Wifi (no google assistant integrated requiring I buy 3 more google assistants, it's not backwards compatible so all my previous Nest wifi nodes wont work with it, and the wifi strength seems worse than my original Nest Wifi).

To make matters worse it has THE EXACT SAME ISSUES. I couldnt believe it was Google so had my Xfinity cable  provider out to the house 2-3 times checking my connection into the house. No issues. They gave me 2 new Xfinity modems to test, and then told me to test taking the Xfi router out of bridge mode and connect to it when I see Nest Wifi start to drop out to see if I had the same dropouts. And what do you know...I dont! 

I can be on a Google Meet call using my Nest Pro wifi and within 5 minutes the connection becomes so unstable I have to reconnect to the call. Then I switch over to my Xfinity Wfi wifi and it's perfect for the rest of the call. Not a single blip on the google meet network diagnostics latency graph.

It's 100% confirmed an issue with Nest and Nest Pro routers, likely from a fw update 6 months as others have mentioned. It's not a signal strength issue, since my computer is 1ft from the Wifi Pro router. And since it's right in front of me all day long, I will also see it start flashing yellow for 10-20 seconds then go back to white. I also saw it go from yellow to red to blue flashes then back to white last week. 

I contacted google support and they were useless. Same old, same old: turn off, reboot, change your dns, whats your SN#, make sure no double nat, etc. They clearly have no idea how to solve it besides the "reboot" blowoff response. 

I asked for a refund and they said NO because I bought the product 40 days ago and they only had a 15 day return policy... wtf. Who does that in this day and age? That was the last straw. For how much ive invested in google products in my home, using all google tools for work, etc

Ive lost 100% respect for Google. PSA for anyone buying a google wifi product...first dont, but if you do, dont buy it from the Google Store because their return policy sucks. Buy it on Amazon so you at least have a reputable company who will let you return products that are clearly faulty. 






Community Member

Same issue here. I had nest wifi with 2 mesh nodes for 3 years with 0 issues. My entire network is google home with google cams, thermostats, etc and I use google meet for work. So pretty much a 100% google household. Iv'e paid a substantial premium for all these products because I trusted Google and thought they were the best. Boy was I wrong. 

6 months ago the Nest Wifi started dropping connection multiple times per day. Connection would go dead for 15-20 seconds then come back. Not as noticeable for regular internet use like surfing the web but on Google Meet calls, it was a disaster. I could watch the network latency in the google meet diagnostics panel go from perfect to then all of the sudden 300-1000ms of latency, nobody could hear me anymore, then it would go back to normal 20 seconds later. It would do this 3-4 times per phone call. Tried all the fixes recommended and no help (change dns, reboot, ensure no double nat, etc). So I assumed it was maybe my old Nest wifi router. So I bought the new Nest Pro for $400 - trusting Google doesnt inherently make bad products and this was just a fluke. Wow...was I wrong. 

First "Wifi Pro" seems like a misnomer and/or false advertising. It has less functionality than my original Nest Wifi (no google assistant integrated requiring I buy 3 more google assistants, it's not backwards compatible so all my previous nodes wont work with it, and the wifi strength seems worse than my original Nest Wifi).

To make matters worse it has THE EXACT SAME ISSUES. I couldnt believe it was Google so had my Xfinity cable  provider out to the house 2-3 times checking my connection into the house. No issues. They gave me 2 new Xfinity modems to test, and then told me to test taking the Xfi router out of bridge mode and connect to it when I see Nest Wifi start to drop out to see if I had the same dropouts. And what do you know...I dont! 

I can be on a Google Meet call using my Nest Pro wifi and within 5 minutes the connection becomes so unstable I have to reconnect to the call. Then I switch over to my Xfinity Wfi wifi and it's perfect for the rest of the call. Not a single blip on the google meet network diagnostics latency graph.

It's 100% confirmed an issue with Nest and Nest Pro routers, likely from a fw update 6 months as others have theorized. It's not a signal strength issue, since my computer is 1ft from the Wifi Pro router. And since the Nest pro router is right in front of me all day long I will also see it start flashing yellow for 10-20 seconds most every day. I also saw it go from yellow to red to blue flashes then back to white last week. 


I contacted google support and they were useless. Same old, same old: turn off, reboot, change your dns, whats your SN#, make sure no double nat, etc. They clearly have no idea how to solve it besides the "reboot" blowoff response. 

I asked for a refund and they said no because I bought the product 40 days ago and they only had a 15 day return policy... wtf. Who does that in this day and age? That was the last straw. For how much ive invested in google products in my home, using all google tools for work...let alone the hundreds of thousands of dollars my company spends on google advertising.  


Ive lost 100% respect for Google. PSA for anyone buying a google wifi product...first dont, but if you do, dont buy it from the Google Store because their return policy sucks. Buy it on Amazon so you at least have a reputable company who will let you return products that are clearly faulty. 





Community Member

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi thebruce888,


Thank you for reaching out to our community.

I’m sorry to hear that 6 months ago your Nest WiFi started dropping connections multiple times per day. I really appreciate you sharing with us the details of the experience that you are going through and letting us know that you’ve already contacted Google support and performed the troubleshooting steps suggested to resolve the inconvenience without success. No worries; help is here.

My team would like to know more about this behavior. When you get a chance, please fill out this form. Remember to include the link to this post. Let me know when you’re finished. From there, we'll contact you via email. 

Let me know when you're finished. Your confirmation is crucial to ensuring that I can follow up on your case effectively.


Best regards,


Community Member

Community Member

I'm in this forum because of the same problem. I've been dealing with it thinking it was normal Internet traffic issues but I've finally had enough. Got tech support on the phone and they put me on the private Google server supposedly. Same drop out issues are happening. Video calls and especially gaming. I'll be gaming and get the lost connection signal constantly until it stabilizes. But of course it drops at the worst time always. What gives. I really do not want an Xfinity router I bought this mesh network expecting stability and it's anything but stable. 


Im feet from nodes and tests show very strong stable connections but apparently not so when actually putting it to use 

Even Instagram reels constantly pause and buffer. 


What is the issue!!??

Community Member



Community Member


Community Member

I'm having the same issues. Nest Pro mesh network. Had worked flawlessly for years then starting about a month or so ago seemingly with a software update regular connection drop outs. Takes sometimes minutes to resolve itself. Extremely frustrating and I'm ready to dump the whole system. 

Community Member


Community Member

So no reply from google here but I got an email from "Erwin" a "google senior support specialist" saying he was taking over the case. Wow, ive lost even more respect for Google.

They asked me to click a "verification link" and then they would support further. I clicked the link and got a random email reply 2 days later from somebody else asking basic questions that were already answered in my above post. The best part they then took 3 days to reply and sent me the most rudimentary and downright stupid tech support steps: 

  1. Change you wifi pwd (then giving me the steps of how I should do this...)
  2. Check for wifi interference (make sure to check got those "cordless phones" and "microwaves"...are you actually serious with this crap)
  3. relocate your router ("optimal placement is important. move it away from walls...") 

Seriously, are you kidding me? This was a joke and I dont even think it was a human writing it. I informed them to stop wasting my time with this generic faqs and they replied 2 days later:

"We understand your frustration. While these initial steps might seem basic, they often resolve common Wi-Fi issues. By ruling out these potential causes, we can more accurately diagnose the specific problem and provide tailored solutions.

We’re committed to helping you resolve this issue. If you’re open to continuing troubleshooting, please let us know. We can delve deeper into more advanced steps.Please let me know if you have any questions."


So they obviously never even read the original post because it's not a "wifi issue", the entire google network drops out for 10-30 seconds. Yesterday I got "the big smash" which includes the network dropping and a Christmas tree of lights red, yellow and blue lights for 30 seconds. The typically is just the flashing yellow light for 10-20 seconds.  

 Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 8.49.30 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-12-13 at 8.49.22 AM.pngScreenshot 2024-12-13 at 8.49.39 AM.png


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