11-28-2021 04:17 PM
Have been using 3 pc hockey puck mesh system for some time. Switched to hi-speed fiber optic internet with no problem. Carrier rently replaced bad modem. Unable to reconnect mesh. Really need extended system to get internet to other areas of home. Think its just a procedural problem. After connecting the ethernet cable between the mesh master and internet modem and plugging in all units, and I click on "add device" it searches and identifies all three. I select the master and scan the code when asked. It connects and speed test is in high 400's where it should . When it asked me for a name, I used "Google Mesh." (Can't remember what I called it originally. Went to second unit and clicked on "add device." It searched and identified the 2 remote mesh devices. I selected the one where I was at and after trying to connect, received the message that it had failed. The trouble shooting tip said to check network connection. I went to WiFi in settings on my iPhone and saw my internet network was deselected and the ID of the remote device I selected was shown instead. Tried removing mesh system and home app several times, but problem persists. HELP!
01-07-2022 02:27 PM
Hey, Jazzman87,
Sorry for the late response here, but I wanted to check in to see if you were still having this issue and to see if you have done any additional troubleshooting so far. If you still need help, let me know and I'll be happy to work on this with you.
01-24-2022 11:04 AM
Hi, Jazzman87.
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.
01-25-2022 02:39 PM
Hi, everyone.
As we haven't had any activity here recently I'm going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have more to add, feel free to start a new discussion.