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Weak Device Connection

Community Member

My (LG) smart tv continues to show a (device) 'Weak Connection' despite great connections on both mesh points and "blazing fast" internet speeds.  Not sure moving mesh points or the router is the issue... I have tried to find sweet spots etc. but the tests I run continue to be great.  The TV (device) is really the problem in terms of performance.  


Community Member

The "Weak connection" status is misleading and not necessarily worthwhile. Its simply a reflection of client WiFi device's ability to both negotiate and maintain an optimal signal. I have similar troubles with my Sony Bravia due its poorly designed WiFi (which regularly drops off the air either due to caching issues, overheating, or both.) The solution for my Bravia is to periodically (as-needed, multiple times a day) open the TV settings app and cycle the WiFi adapter off then back on. It's only 10 feet from the Nest point, so it gets "Great connection" immediately upon reconnection, only to degrade within 1 or more hours due to its own great mediocrity.

Gold Product Expert
Gold Product Expert

Hey @Wballs .

There is a known issue with LG model TVs and Wifi that they have not fixed even though the issue has been present for several years; it has to do with the way the cables are run in the TV. It can result in weak connections, dropped connections, or not able to connect to Wifi at all. I had a similar issue with one of my LG TVs and was able to fix it over the weekend so I could move the Ethernet connection to my Nvidia Shield.

Follow the instructions in the below YouTube video and it should resolve the issue:

How to fix the wifi on a LG TV (Wifi is turned off error) 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Wballs,

I just wanted to jump in real fast to see if you saw the replies and to see if you still needed some help on this or if you were able to get it sorted out. If you are still needing some help, just let us know and we'll be happy to continue helping.


Community Member

All sorted thanks folks

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Good to see, Wballs. Thanks for the follow up.


Hi all,

As we got our resolution here, I'm going to mark this one as resolved in the next 24 hours. Thanks to all who helped and contributed. If anyone has any other needs, please feel free to let me know before the lock.
