09-14-2021 02:15 AM
Why do you not allow Nest Aware subscriptions in Cyprus, or some other European markets? I'm having to use a competitors products where I'd much rather use NEST. I didn't realise the lack of support until I'd already bought a Nest Battery Doorbell & Nest Max Hub. I'm now forced to sell these & replace them with another brand.
I know this will get the boiler plate, "We're always looking at ways to improve our service/coverage" response, but please, put some focus into sorting this out, you're a global company and you've been saying that for years.
I love your products but sadly can't use them.
09-20-2021 10:41 AM
Hi MarkCyprus.
Thank you for your feedback. I am afraid I do not have any form of ETA and I don't have any confirmation that Nest Aware is/will be available for your country. But I will definitely move this feedback forward for you. Thank you for your patience.
Best Regards,