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Can not create an actions project

Community Member

I am unable to create a new project in the Google Actions Console

After creating the project it seems like it was succesfull, until I get an error: "Something went wrong when creating your project. Please try again later."

I figured out the projects were created and visible in the Google Cloud

But what am I doing wrong to start working with the Actions Console?

I expect a new Project would be created and I can start working with the Actions Console.

I tried different languages when creating the project but no success.


1 Recommended Answer

Solutions Expert
Solutions Expert

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We want to assure you that our team has taken note of the issue and is working on a solution. To stay updated on the latest progress and developments regarding the fix, please follow this dedicated issue tracker.

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Community Member

I have the same issue. Even reached the google cloud project limit now. and will also throw HTTP error 403 and 400. 

Another user also uploaded this image which shows the error.

Community Member

I seem to have the same issue. A couple of years ago i could create a project with no problems, but since trying a few weeks ago i cant. Just after "adding firebase ressources" it drops me Back into the project overview and declares "Something went wrong" like in the screenshot. Reached out to Support, but they could only tell me to use another browser, reload the site, login again or use an incognito mode. All of those didnt work either.

Solutions Expert
Solutions Expert

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We want to assure you that our team has taken note of the issue and is working on a solution. To stay updated on the latest progress and developments regarding the fix, please follow this dedicated issue tracker.

I have the same issue.