12-25-2023 03:15 PM
So. Got a nest hub max and a couple of nest speakers to support music in multiple rooms simultaneously.
Have a Spotify family account.
How it appears, is that I cannot link individual spotify accounts created for the kids under children accounts within google to the various voice matching.
With the family link app, there isn't an option to link a different account to that children's profile. So all of devices can only link to one Spotify account.
The functionality I'm trying to achieve is the my spotify account on the hub, and the kids spotify accounts on their individual nest minis, all playing different music at the same time. I also want all the parental controls.
Did I miss something?
01-02-2024 10:00 AM
Hi xeroiv,
Thanks for reaching out and letting us know about adding your child account concern. If you link your child's Google account and voice to the device, they can use Google Assistant on shared devices if they are under 13 years old. Smart clocks, smart displays, and speakers with Google Assistant integration are examples of shared gadgets. Check out the helpful link below to know more about it.
Let your child use Google Assistant on your devices