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Cookbook/Saved Recipes Gone?!

Community Member

My Hub Max lives in my kitchen and despite the recent degrading experience google smart home

products have had recently, I’ve held on because i’ve spent hundreds of dollars on 8 units throughout my home.

But, the recent removal of cookbook/saved recipes is just ridiculous.  This was a GREAT feature for my frequent cooking. I could pull up favorite recipes and google would display them in large print, step by step.  

Now, it’s directing me to use the browser? Which ALWAYS crashes by the way. So now, this is basically a feature that’s gone. 

Im upset that Google is REMOVING features instead of improving or at least maintaining.  

This is shameful practice for those of us that invested in their smart home products. I guess I’ll be moving to alexa!

Google! Bring back cookbook/saved recipes!!!

2 Recommended AnswerS

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Just read that they actually removed 17 features after laying off 12,000 employees last year. I'm a software developer, so I'm betting these features have bugs and they have no one to fix them now.

Here's the list of removed features if anyone wants to read what else they hacked off,

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YES .. you can send back feedback on your assistant.. please everyone send feedback regarding the removal of the saved cookbook feature 

To give feedback about Google Assistant, say “Hey Google, send feedback,” and then share your comments. 

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125 REPLIES 125

Community Member

I couldn't agree more - where was the notification of the change. Google should not be allowed to remove features that people utilise.

Right?! I mean this seems like such a basic feature that goes a long way. Why on earth would they remove it? and then direct us to the god awful browser experience? which always crashes? 

Thank you for your reply........I have now left a couple of verbal messages on Google Feedback and encourage everyone to do the same.  We need to speak up about this !

Where can I access my recipes? Can I?!

please send a feedback note to google! 

to who ? what email should be used?

You can do it verbal to your smart home device, “hey google, send feedback” and let your thoughts go! 

Community Member

We are considering switching ourselves because of this. It's the main thing I use my hub for! 

Community Member

I agree, besides being a speaker and being another device for home commands like lights, I don't use it for anything else. it's a glorified picture frame now. such a disappointment

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I bet they decide to remove the shopping list next 🤔

Community Member

in effect, they did! it's a "Google Keep" note now...

Yes they replaced it with "keep". 
Does anyone know of another device that is "kitchen" oriented, as in allowing you to store a shopping list and display recipes? Because if it exists, I'm switching! 


Community Member

The removal of this feature alone will make me quit buying Google products. The cookbook wad the main use for my Google nest in my kitchen. I'll be looking into an ECHO now.

I ordered an Echo last night to try. This feature was the only reason I got the hub. I cook a lot, meal prep, dinner, bread, desserts. They had an Echo 8 refurb pretty cheap. So, this may be the beginning of a swap. Take note Google.... You're quarterly sales will show minus 1!

I picked up an Echo show today and it looks like a great replacement, my google will become an alarm clock, sad but I am happy with the Echo

I ordered an echo show 10 as well from Amazon. I had been using my google nest for mostly for recipes and now that feature is gone the echo looks like it’s very promising and it will also hook up to my ring doorbell. It’s sad that I put so much money into a glorified alarm clock. It’s going into our bedroom now.😞

Thank you all............I will look into the Echo Show.  I have left verbal messages on Google Feedback.  If we all do this then maybe it makes a difference ? We need to speak up

I just set up my Echo 10 3rd generation! No more Google falling on DEAF ears!! 
Easy set up looks same and follows  you around kitchen as you are cooking so screen is in front all times. Recipes are back in business !! Retired my Google to guest bedroom . 

so you’re saying your Alexa device is able to do what Google abandoned.


ugh. If I jump ship my other google home products will be bricks too.

LorettaSue …. Yes ! It’s fabulous and if you research it maybe be possible to use for other things if your an Amazon account and download Ap.. Poof …… Google is done and I’m tired of asking for an update !  My small hub n my Vac home is getting switched too 🙂

Now minus 2…I’m with you!

agreed. so disappointed!!

Community Member


let us know how the cooking feature is!

Community Member

This is shameful, they did the same thing with the shopping lists. They removed features and made it terrible to use until I cracked and purchased a third party shopping list app to work with my Google home and then like a year later they removed support for third party shopping apps when then came out with their new version!!!  Now they remove cookbook support? So what, we go find a third party app to do it well, because it's not like it was a great user experience to start with, and then they stop supporting that as well. I already tried to switch to Alexa, it wasn't a great experience. Now I have Google homes throughout my house and I'm pissed. Maybe it's time to try Microsoft products, I wonder if they have 'home' products?...


Hey Google, STOP insulting and disrespecting your customer base, we're not infinite and we pay your bills.  

Community Member

Just read that they actually removed 17 features after laying off 12,000 employees last year. I'm a software developer, so I'm betting these features have bugs and they have no one to fix them now.

Here's the list of removed features if anyone wants to read what else they hacked off,

12,000 people to administrate 17 features? Probably most of them have not clued in to that they are fired yet...get some productive people and stop introducing things and cutting them ...

yes, it did have bugs.  often times it would say “sorry i don’t know that” while completing the function just fine. Other times it couldn’t save recipes, etc. but even w the bugs it was worth using and helpful in the kitchen. 

Community Member

I genuinely am so distraught by this. Ours was a gift and I only used it for recipes and music. Like how was the cookbook one of the least used features?????? And mine is saying I need to sign in to see my saves and then tells me Google uses Javascript and that the browser, on the hub itself mind you, supposedly doesn't support it..... ummm???? Sorry. My search works just fine, the browser is working just fine, other google sites like Gmail are JUST FINE sooooo... why can't I cook? 

 if we want it back we have to let them know! send feedback to google ! we may get lucky and heard!

I will personally learn coding in Java to fix the cookbook. Google, I will be ready for hire shortly 😂 

Community Member

Agreed, the cookbook was the main reason I bought the home device. 

please let google know via feedback! 

Community Member

so you CAN still have recipes displayed but in the form of answers - so while ingredients pull up, they are fleeting. lasting say about 90 seconds. This is so laughable !!

Community Member

Agree. One of the only things I used it for

Community Member

reach out to google via feedback - let's get it back!

Community Member

i really can’t understand how it was an underutilized product. if it was it’s because of bugs so it’s like a toxic cycle of features w google.  if we want it back we have to let them know! send feedback to google !

YES .. you can send back feedback on your assistant.. please everyone send feedback regarding the removal of the saved cookbook feature 

To give feedback about Google Assistant, say “Hey Google, send feedback,” and then share your comments. 

Done! Thank you for the step by step instructions on how to give feedback!