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Cookbook/Saved Recipes Gone?!

Community Member

My Hub Max lives in my kitchen and despite the recent degrading experience google smart home

products have had recently, I’ve held on because i’ve spent hundreds of dollars on 8 units throughout my home.

But, the recent removal of cookbook/saved recipes is just ridiculous.  This was a GREAT feature for my frequent cooking. I could pull up favorite recipes and google would display them in large print, step by step.  

Now, it’s directing me to use the browser? Which ALWAYS crashes by the way. So now, this is basically a feature that’s gone. 

Im upset that Google is REMOVING features instead of improving or at least maintaining.  

This is shameful practice for those of us that invested in their smart home products. I guess I’ll be moving to alexa!

Google! Bring back cookbook/saved recipes!!!

2 Recommended AnswerS

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Just read that they actually removed 17 features after laying off 12,000 employees last year. I'm a software developer, so I'm betting these features have bugs and they have no one to fix them now.

Here's the list of removed features if anyone wants to read what else they hacked off,

View Recommended Answer in original post

YES .. you can send back feedback on your assistant.. please everyone send feedback regarding the removal of the saved cookbook feature 

To give feedback about Google Assistant, say “Hey Google, send feedback,” and then share your comments. 

View Recommended Answer in original post

116 REPLIES 116

Community Member

This is absolute insanity. I cannot believe REMOVING features like this was even a thing!!

Community Member

I want my money back wtf ??? I bought a nest hub just for recipe in my kitchen .. its useless now

Community Member

I will now be going out of my way to avoid all things google. This is complete BS. This is the only feature I wanted this useless box for. I don't care how much it cost me to avoid Google, this is the last straw with this BS company. 

Community Member

This is the reason I bought this thing. It’s been great for my kids learning to cook AND I got rid of my physical cookbooks when I moved because we’ve been using it for years. Feedback submitted.

Community Member

I heard they were removing things but we have our nest in the kitchen and had so many recipes saved.  Even our 4 year old grandson could follow his favorite recipes step by step.  I don’t understand.  Did google even do research before taking away things 😡

According to some of the feedback they said they did away with under utilized features to improve upon others … this was a stupid decision on their part .. just improve it all ! Don’t remove features . Who does that ??

I am going to try to speak to someone at Google....not sure if that is even possible but I am going to try and make sure they see our feedback.  I am sure we are a drop in the bucket but I can't not try.  

Community Member

I feel the same way! So sad!

Community Member

Completely agree. The web search DOES NOT WORK. Half the time Google decides give me a video or answers with a voice reading on one particular recipe instead of showing me a list. Even if I get a list of web search results, when you view one you get the entire web page with all the ad content embedded in it, which pops up and blocks the view of the recipe. What the hell? This was one of the main reasons I used Goggle Home, and now I'm back to printing out recipes manually. 


Totally agree , makes the hub pretty useless to me now other than,  radio, news & weather .

It said something about adding them to a Save , made no sense either 

Community Member

Totally agree, 

News, weather & radio are my main use & the recipe search & now scrapped " Cookbook " , 

Wasn't that one of its unique selling features ? I think it was ! 

Today when I realised Cookbook has gone I honestly thought " well that makes it pretty much USELESS to me in the kitchen,  I may get rid & boycott Google ". 

They're on track to lose users, I'd committed to Google for my accounts/ browser/ and home accessories.  It's a joke now.

I'll give them feedback ! Thx for the article & Tips on feedback. 



Community Member

I purchased the Amazon Echo 10 and could not be happier! It has all the features I want .,.cookbook, hooks up to my ring door bell, Phone, and more! I moved my goggle next to be used for music/Alarm to the bedroom!

Community Member

Great to hear this from so many people.  Will the Echo 10 work with a Samsung phone or just an iphone ? 

According to the website, it will hook up to the Sam. I am pretty happy with mine so far. I’ve even been able to program it to my new oven!

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Folks,


Thank you for posting. We sincerely apologize for the removal of features and understand the frustration and inconvenience this may cause in your daily routines. We value your feedback and want to assure you that we're actively looking for ways to address this issue effectively. Please share your thoughts and suggestions so we can work towards a solution for your concern.




Community Member

Hi Byron, thanks for the invite for feedback about the cookbook. I got along fine with the fact that I couldn't locate saved recipes most often times. The recipes that worked worked really well and helped me a lot to be able to see the ingredients to see the cooking steps and the screen not to go dark while I was working. When you can't support a correction to a problem like the saved recipes we could possibly do without that feature. Don't forget KISS.

This is incredibly encouraging to hear from you Bryon and we greatly appreciate Google listening to us...your customers.

I have been unsuccessful getting to speak to a live person as I have tried.

We were blindsided having our Cook Book feature suddenly taken away from us. We all depended on that important feature in our day to day lives.  I really matters to us and our days have been quite disrupted because of it.  It was such a brilliant feature to be able to voice control recipe options standing right in your kitchen and then building your own recipe book to save them and reuse them. Google made that so easy for us. As you can see all of us LOVED this feature. 

What has to happen to bring our beloved Cook Book back ? We are requesting that this feature be reinstated. Please !!!!

We live in a voice activiated world and Google products have lived up to their reputation until now.  We have been very upset to experience such a backwards step.

Please keep in touch and let us know what can be done. We would like an honest explanation as well as a solution.

Everything before was so well done.

Thank you

Sparrow 123 

Community Member

I loved when im cooking being able to be hands free with the next step instruction feature. whether my hands were covered in dough or like if was stirring for one minute but didn’t want to leave the oven to cross the kitchen and look at next step. It also made cooking with the kids so much easier: both for them now they’re older and when they were small in the kitchen with me. I could use one hand mixing and have a babe in the hip in the other without having to be flipping back and forth in a cookbook. 

I'd really prefer you just restored the functionality, as it was one of the main benefits of having a Google Nest Hub in the kitchen. I could manage all of the shopping and cooking from one voice activated utility. Now I have to go upstairs to the office and print out paper copies of recipes. 
The web browser in the Nest Hub doesn't work well enough to be useful as most recipes webpages have all kinds of ad content and extra text (padding to embed more ad content in). it really needs the ability to just bring up the actual recipe immediately and hold it on the screen. 

Community Member


Thank you for addressing our concern.  I agree with the others the Cookbook feature you had was amazing.  If you cannot bring that back for some reason please allow recipes to show up alone on the screen and for the screen to maintain the recipe rather than quickly returning to the Home Screen.  Your original feature was so helpful and it was why I recommended the Google Hub to others.  Thank you

Community Member

Hi Byron. The solution is to give us the features we bought this device for. I don't need to hear reasons/excuses why they were taking away. This is a clear bait and switch. Now I own an expensive paperweight. Stop making me work for the features I already paid for. 

Community Member


Thank you Byron,

atleast google is listening but will they respond positively, I echo the sentiments of the other contributors.

The main reason I have the Hub is for the recipes, casting to the device is a pain as you have to go back to the computer to scroll through the recipe and search for it online on the hub is useless as the hub ALWAYS drops out . please reinstate this function or loose another customer

Yes, nobody wants to have to walk back and forth to their desktop to look at a recipe at every step. It is useful to have a device IN the kitchen that is like a tablet PC to display recipes while you are cooking. The Google Nest Hub was perfect for that. 

Community Member

Hi Bryon,

I dropped $100 for a screen unit specifically for the kitchen. Google is the only competitor to Alexa in the home automation front. I have bought everything from the nest doorbell to the wireless mesh system. With features disappearing and not being replaced with "newer better" versions. I have started questioning my investments.

Apology not accepted until these features return.

Has anyone contacted an attorney general's office for deceptive business practices? I'll add my name and devices to a case.

Community Member

Hi @ByronP 

Here is my feedback. Stop ripping off your customers.

Best regards Michael

Community Member

I absolutely hate this copy/paste response.  Your aren't actively looking at anything because that's nonsense.  There's not a glitch or a bug that you all need to fix or investigate or workaround.  Uncomment the **bleep** code or revert back to the previous software build where the feature was available and be done!  That's the solution.  

I'm dumping all of my Google home ecosystem by the end of the year if this still isn't fixed.  Can't handle features randomly disappearing like this.

Community Member

I absolutely agree in addition to losing the recipe function. I noticed now when I ask my hub a question the response more frequently is “I don’t know, but this is what I found on the web.”  The whole point of having it is to be hands-free while I’m in the kitchen. if you can’t even answer the question…

 I can get on my phone or computer and look up the answer myself, I don’t need it. It’s turned into a huge piece of junk. 

Community Member

Hi Bryan

we’ve sent our feedback on the removal of the Cookbook feature as well as our thoughts .. we’d like to suggest to bring it back .. I’ve no idea why on earth this would be removed without as a thought to improve what you thought wasn’t good or working ? I’ve never experienced any bad issue while using the Cookbook .. the features of step by step process to making a dish was a huge help for those who can’t cook .. laptops and printing instructions are way outdated and sometimes the internet is impossible for areas such as myself living in the hills in Hawaii. 
Please find a way to help bring this back soon! I’m afraid Most will move on to the Echo 10 if there isn’t a solution from Google 

I hated to have the additional purchase, but I love my Echo 10

Community Member

Aloha Lizzy, thanks for replying to Byron. The more of us who request the cookbooks return the better.

Community Member

Aloha Nahuku! Yes! Agreed .. keep pressing them for a solution. Hoping they rethink this 🙂

Community Member

I'm jumping ship. Google has shown many times over the years how little they value their customers. For how much we spend with them and all the data we give them to resell, they should keep features that literally made people want to buy the units. It seems Google is on a sinking ship these days... One feature after another has disappeared to the point that my Assistant is sometimes not even able to deal with shoppinglists or set reminders. Was good while it lasted...

Community Member

I agree, why make something with the google name on it perform badly. Our nest hub max was a gift. A family member gave it to us. Like so many others have said, the recipes, and saving to a shared family cookbook were super features we came to depend on. Now it’s no better than an echo dot. I’m only glad we didn’t set our whole home up with it. What a waste Google.

Community Member

I am totally missed off too. I ha e a brain injury and it is very difficult to follow a recipe so I always, always,always  use Google to tell me my steps and ingredients one by one. Wtf good are these to me now???

I have 3 google home minis and 1 Alexa and Alexa is a half wit. I guess I may as well put her in the forefront now.

Huge thumbs down 👎 Google 

Community Member

I'm a little late to the party.  My kitchen was destroyed by a busted hot water heater on new years eve and I just got the remodeling done.  I love to cook and the cookbook was the main reason I went with the hub and subsequently spent so much money replacing all my Alexa devices.  They already have our money and they know it!  I will never buy another Google device!

Community Member

Google Home Hub eh?

First you remove the ability to call other Google home devices which was the 'hub'  component in our family.


Then you remove the recipe features.  In our home, the kitchen is the heart of the home .


So Comms are gone.  Recipes are gone. And I have now learnt that 15 other features have been pulled?


Why?  Does Google want all of it's customers to move to Apple or Amazon?


Is Google giving up on home tech?