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Everytime I say 12 my google hears 1 - 2

Community Member

I want to set a 12 minute timer but when I say the word twelve google does 1 - 2 and will only do a 2 minute timer.  I have to spell the word twelve for google to understand.  When I ask for the timer it comes up as twelve while I am talking but then changes to 1 - 2 when it sets the timer.??

1 Recommended Answer

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,

credmond, thanks for the video. What is the language and region set on your Google Nest Hub 2nd gen? Try to set English US as the primary language > Force close the Google Home app > Reboot the Google Nest Hub 2nd gen device > Give it another command. I’ll look forward to your response.


83ldn, have you had the chance to try the suggestions above? Can you also provide the Cast firmware and Fuchsia/software version of your Google Home/Nest device?


View Recommended Answer in original post


Yes also was fixed for me but reappeared today as well! 

Community Member

Sigh... Just checked myself and yup, it's back.

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Community Member

Glad I am not the only one. Never have this problem till today. I was doubting my pronouncation, tried saying it however many ways I could but no help....

Community Member

Yep was fixed for me too. And is now back. Clearly a Google issue but they won't admit it just ask us to take some troubleshooting steps 

Community Member

+1 the problem is back. First world problem, but it's a problem all the same 😂

Community Member

Been happening for the last week or so for me. Like everyone else I can see it recognises the "twelve" as it displays the 12 and then "corrects" itself with the "1-2" minute timer as everyone else is seeing. Perhaps this is the start of the AI takeover, soon we won't be able to set timers for 11 minutes, then 13 minutes... when will this end?!!

Community Member

Same issue here. This isn’t a device problem - it’s server side. 

Community Member

I saw a neighbour post about this in Facebook and thought that's strange and tried it out on mine. Yep it doesn't like 12. 11 and 13 are fine, it just won't set a timer for 12 minutes. It's definitely not my pronunciation as I had elocution lessons as a child so if it can't understand me, I can't be the fault.

Community Member

For now, I am using either "11 minutes and 60 seconds" or "720 seconds" to get it to do the thing I want. It works, I guess, but I think the point of such a device is to make life easier, rather than doing extra mental gymnastics when all you want is to not overcook your rice. 🙄

Yeah. Mine has a bunch of annoying problems. It simply stopped working, requiring a reset, too many times.

Hearing the "Hmm, something went wrong. Try again in a few seconds" for 3 days makes me wonder what sort of software they build that it cannot keep track of such errors and change tact after the 10th time. Even to suggest a reset or automatically report an error.


Other weird issues are the very long/odd delays at times -- especially when it asks you a follow-up "People sometimes ask me... XYZ ... would you like to the the answer?" -- why does it take about 10 seconds to reply when if I had asked that question initially it might have been instant? It's just an annoying experience that one learns to avoid.


I helped report this particular "12 minute" issue here, in detail, made a video, etc. Then I was eventually asked to fill out a form (with the same information again), and then contacted by "a specialist", via e-mail, asking me to provide all of the same information -- again. No, goodbye -- I didn't waste my time. Google's is a broken company and the future is with other technology built by leaner less-bloated companies; my Nest will be going in the bin some time soon.

Community Member

What has that got to do with this problem?

Community Member

Well, it's more related than your "AI takeover" comments or this comment. It's called a conversation, Darat. And it's largely related to the issue and the fact that it isn't fixed, reporting it has been a hassle, and there are other issues, quite possibly related. If you can't connect the dots here and see how it's related, I don't think I can help you. Would you like people to repeat the same "happening to me too" stuff, over and over and over? 




Community Member

I would prefer people keep to the topic of this thread - which is about a problem starting a timer with 12 minutes. That way Google can look at the problem and not be distracted with general moaning about how terrible they are. And yes I would also prefer more people to just post "happening to me" - that will show Google that it is not an isolated issue that is cured by a "switch it off and back on" approach.

Community Member


@Darat wrote:

I would prefer people keep to the topic of this thread 

You better stop typing then. The irony here is astounding.


@Darat wrote:

 That way Google can look at the problem and not be distracted with general moaning about how terrible they are.

Nobody said they were terrible. It's genuine feedback for Google, that their problem reporting and resolution isn't working for them, implying that they're probably not getting as much feedback or reporting as they should because of it, and losing customers. That is to their benefit. This is after a couple of months of back and forth of futile communications.

Community Member

This is so ridiculous given just about everything takes about 12 minutes to cook. 

Community Member

Same issue here, I’m in Ireland.


System firmware version: 375114

Cast firmware: 2.57.375114

Language: en-GB

Community Member

I've noticed this the past few weeks, it's driving me nuts, 12m is my timer for pasta and rice so I use it a lot. It's not even like 12 sounds like 2, and I have a Scottish accent. Also noticed that my routine doesn't say my name now in the morning, it used to say Good Morning  "name", then the local weather and put on a radio channel. I asked today who am I and it replied with my name OK so it still knows my voice.

Community Member

if you say ‘ set a timer for 12 minutes” it sets one for two but if you say “ set a 12 minute timer  “ it will set one for 12 minutes. Tried both several times and set a 12 minute timer always works🤷‍♂️Sounds like a syntax issue?

And how do you say "12"?


I just say “ set a twelve minute timer “ no special way of saying twelve just a different way of saying the same thing.


That's crazy thanks, works on all mine that way. 

Community Member

Mine is now also doing exactly the same as everyone else's. Just got back from a trip to the USA. Can't be a coincidence?

Community Member

Same issue here in England. And as someone else noted, it's the time to cook it's genuinely quite annoying.

I just end up setting an 11 minute timer as I've normally been shouting at the Google home for about a minute after setting a bunch of 2 minute timers.

Seeing a theme of this impacting the British Isles...

Community Member

I am also having this exact issue. Very frustrating 

Just follow @Barry2217  and say "set a twelve minute timer" 

Community Member

Same here. 

Community Member

Is there any chance that Google might fix this obvious bug? It happens on my home mini speakers and on another when I asked a friend to test. If I ask how many seconds are there in 12 minutes I get the response that "30 seconds is equal to one two of a minute". Complete gibberish

Community Member

Must be a background issue as I have Sonos and having the same issue over the last week or so!

Community Member

Same problem here. 12 gets translated to 1-2 and then to 2....

Community Member

I have the same issue but I find if I say “SET A TWELVE MINUTE TIMER” it does set it for 12 minutes but if I say “set a timer for 12 minutes” It set one for just two minutes. I’ve done this a numerous occasions and it’s worked every time.Agreed it’s a work around but it’s a simple one.

Community Member

Just wanted to add here that I've also experienced the same issue on both my Google hub and Pixel 7a. A friend of mine also had it on his Pixel 7 pro. I've also just come across the same issue with 23 adjusting to 2-3

Community Member

What helped for me at least for now is to reboot the device using the app and then unplug it after reboot finished for about 20 minutes. After I plugged it in again the problem disappeared. Maybe this helps someone else.