05-20-2022 01:09 AM
Har precis inhandlat en Google Home Nest Hub för att se mina övervakningskameror Arlo på displayen. Fungerar bra, men den går i viloläge (skärmen) efter en stund som är väldigt irriterande. Går det att ta bort viloläget eller förlänga tiden för visningsläget på skärmen?
Tack på förhand!
05-24-2022 10:32 AM
Hey Dahlgren,
We don't have a way to extend the display time of your Google Nest Hub when you're streaming your Arlo camera, you need to reactivate the live stream in the app to continue with the stream. Also, Google doesn't have any information about the stream duration for third-party cameras so you might need to contact Arlo support for additional information.
05-27-2022 10:38 AM
Hey Dahlgren,
Chiming in to check if you still need help with this? Feel free to respond to this thread if you have additional questions or concerns and I'd be glad to answer it for you.
05-30-2022 10:40 AM
Hey Dahlgren,
I haven't heard from you in a while so I'll be locking this thread in 24 hours. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the community.