09-04-2023 07:25 AM
The last few weeks. whatever algorithm that Google used to randomise my 'Hey Google, play some music' has gone screwy.
It used to pick mainly from my 'liked' traks with tracks that were closely related, this was pretty good, rarely did I get repeats within the same listening session. It was always reliable.
Recently, Google is set on picking tracks that have a related Youtube music video and will prioritise these instead of others. This results in MANY repeats of the same track. It's really annoying.
It plays some without a video, but this is rare.
In the kitchen while cooking, I DO NOT REQUIRE music videos.
I've started to tell Google 'Hey Google, don't play this track' which seems to work, but I feel that has now reomoved it from ever playing again, which is not my intent.
The nice scroll selection at the bottom now changes after each new track is played.
This used to stay constant and you could easily see tracks that were in the queue, a nice touch to tell you that a banger was coming on in a short while...
Now, that queue gets jumbled each time the playing track changes, innevitably, the banger disapears.
Can Google go back to how it was before they changed something?
09-07-2023 01:50 PM
Hi Meds,
Thanks for posting. The update is being done automatically, and we don’t have the option to revert back to the previous software version. We appreciate people who are keen on sharing their thoughts with us. We're always looking for ways to improve. I'd suggest you submit feedback about it. See the article below on how to do it.
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