02-24-2024 09:03 AM
My Google next hub Max will not let me hit finish because the touch screen that does not work everything everything else connected that's fine just a touch screen is not working it will not let me hit finish I need help fixing it
02-24-2024 03:16 PM
From the limited info provided, it sounds like its just broken. These devices are made cheaply and quickly, and are made to function in an incredibly closed-source environment controlled completely by Google. Unfortunately, its not like an open system like a windows desktop where you might be able to do some shenanigans and get it to work, or replace the screen itself quickly and cheaply. If your screen doesn't work and the software was written to require a working screen to function, that sucks for you if you know what I mean.
That being said, you would be far more likely to receive a more helpful response than this if you elaborate much further about what you are experiencing. Please use the questions below to formulate a far more detailed response so that someone might be able to actually help you.
- What is the model number of your device? How about the firmware version?
- Have you connected it to the Google Home app?
- What is this "next" button you are talking about. Is it part of the initial device setup procedure or something? Does it go away if you unplug and plug back in the device? Have you tried saying "Hey Google, next page" or something like that?
- When did you get this device? Who from? Is it directly from google, who may be able to replace the device if you call support? Or did you buy it used, in which case the device may just be trash (aint nobody got time, money, or access to Google's proprietary systems to actually physically replace a screen on such a device)
- What does the "everything everything else connected that's fine just a touch screen is not working" statement you wrote mean? By that, are you trying to say that you managed to connect the device (who's touchscreen doesn't properly sense physical touch input yet does correctly illuminate and display a user interface) to both your home internet, and the cell phone app? Is the "everything everything else" just the wifi and phone app?
02-25-2024 05:50 PM
what do I do to get my apps back
02-25-2024 06:04 PM
Elaborate please. Is this at all related to the OP's question? What in the world could you possibly mean by "getting your apps back"? Are you a bot? I have so many questions.
03-01-2024 12:06 AM
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the help here, Bonk.
Jonnieboy41, I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you’re experiencing with your Google Nest Hub Max. Were you able to hit the finish button now? If not, perform a factory reset and then set it up. If it’s still unresponsive when pressing the Finish button, unplug the power cord of your Google Nest Hub Max for a minute > Plug it back in > Finish the set-up. Let me know how it goes.