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Nest Audio pair removes itself from speaker group


Sigh....Google home is getting worse and worse for me.

Used to be able to cast to a speaker group, then go into the Google home app and add a tick to another speaker for it to join in.

Now it's buggy. Google home app seems to take over playback and temporarily add a speaker group for a set time of a few minutes. After which the speaker group gets deleted and playback stops / bugs out.

If I make up a group including the nest audio pair I want my home max to play with, the nest audio pair just DISAPPEAR from the speaker group. It's so annoying.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Biggsyboi,

Thanks for reaching out. That certainly hasn’t been easy for you. Let’s check out what’s going on. A few questions: when did it begin? Were there any recent changes made? Are you using Android or iOS? Is the Google Home app updated?


You can reinstall the Google Home app and observe if it makes a difference. Using another phone can also help us further isolate this.





Hi Juni, looks like it begun on or around the 12th September where apparently Google introduced this limitation, but what I don't understand is why there's no explanation for it, and why even you don't seem to be aware of the change being made?

Screenshot 2023-09-14 154518.png

 But I don't get the error message that this talks about. It just deletes itself.

Community Member

I'm having this same issue. It's extraordinarily frustrating to see a limitation placed on already purchased devices which eliminates one of the most useful features of my 8 Google speakers. I have a Nest Audio speaker pair and Home Mini that keep spontaneously disappearing from an Upstairs Speakers group I'm trying to create, presumably because they're already in my All Speakers group and can now only be in one.

Why was this limitation introduced? What options are available for those of us who purchased numerous Home speakers in large part for the speaker group feature?

Community Member

Yeah same issue - for some weeks now and in my frustration in resetting my speakers I finally googled it.  Honestly - WHAT IS THE POINT IN THIS FEATURE? It was so convenient having various configurations of the devices in different groups.  You know what will happen now right - Google will never fix or change it back and we won't get an actual answer from them in this thread.  :'-(

Community Member

Just purchased 2 more Nest Audios to replace an old amp and speakers I;ve used in my kitchen for the last 5 or 6 years with a Audio chromecasr, and now I find they wont work in more than 1 group!

I gvuess I'll have to go back to the audio chromecast and the amp and speakers. (my exsiting pair of Nest audios that I have had for 12 months still work in mulitple groups though?!)