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Nest hub has stopped playing video news

Community Member

Three days ago my Google Nest hub stopped playing video content from my selected 'news' source (which are ABC News Briefing / CNBC / Bloomberg First Word and CNBC Tech Check). These news sources have played video fine for the past year - then now only I see the News source icon and hear the audio only. I have reset the router / rebooted the modem / restarted both Nest hubs (the same issue of not playing video's happens on both hubs around the house) and still no video content.

I see a couple of other similar threads but no resolution - anyone able to help with this issue? Thanks in advance!


Community Member

+1.. I have the same problem.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


@Tim71, @lfrias, this is not the experience we want you to have, let me help you. A few questions: which Nest speakers are we working with? When did your issue begin? Were there any recent changes made?


It would help a lot if you could do a sequential reboot first: 


  1. Unplug the power cord of your router, followed by your Nest speakers.
  2. Plug them back in after 3 minutes.
  3. Restarting your phone might also help.


Once done, kindly double check the items below:


  1. Review news preferences customization.
  2. Be more specific with the request.
  3. Check if Digital wellbeing is on and restricting the speaker or display.


Let me know how it goes.




Community Member
  • which Nest speakers are we working with? - Nest Hub, not speaker
  • When did your issue begin? - About 1 week ago
  • Were there any recent changes made? - No

It would help a lot if you could do a sequential reboot first: - Did that, no difference

Once done, kindly double check the items below: - Checked all the settings, everything looks fine, digital well being is off.

Community Member

Same responses as Ifrias @Dan_A .

See the comment from @Thischarmingsam  also @Dan_A - I get exactly the same i.e. my nest hub will play the video content correctly if I say 'play cnbc tech check' as an example, yet when I have CNBC tech check as part of my my news source I only get audio. Very weird!

So with regards to item 2. 'be more specific with the request', we are saying video content won't play if the source is setup as a news source, yet will play fine if you request the specific news source content only. Any other info we can provide that would be helpful? Thanks.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,


We appreciate all your efforts. We'd be happy to take a look into this for you. Please fill out this form with all the needed information then let me know once done.




Done 👍

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi all, 


@lfrias, @Thischarmingsam, we got your form! Our specialist team should reach out to you via email soon.


@Tim71, checking in to see if you can submit the form above. We'll be waiting for it so we can take a closer look at your Google Nest Hub.




Community Member

Thanks @LovelyM  will complete the form now.

Community Member

I have the same regression too, started last week, suggestions above did not work. If I ask the hub to play CNBC tech check specifically it shows me it with video, if I view CNBC tech check as part of my news sources during the 'hows my day' routine it is audio only. 

I hadn't tried that, but you are correct I get exactly the same i.e. if I ask the hub to 'play CNBC tech check' the video plays fine, yet playing CNBC tech check as part of my news source I get audio only.

@Thischarmingsam does this asking the hub to play cnbc tech check specifically still work for you? It was working for me when I replied to your post Monday, but now it also does not seem to work for my hubs, I'm just getting the audio.

Yes you're right, video has gone from CNBC tech check and DW news.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks, 

@Tim71, thanks for submitting the form!

I'll coordinate with our specialist team so they can reach out to everyone of you regarding this issue. I'll keep this thread open until then.

Many thanks, 

Community Member

Just been speaking to the Google customer care team - I didn't have any custom routines defined but this worked for me:

Try deleting all the routines then create another one to see if this will clear the issue.

  1. Go to and make sure that the Gmail account logged in in your Google Chrome browser and in your Google Home app is the same.
  2. Click Other Activity.
  3. Scroll down and look for Routines.
  4. Delete.

All the routines will be deleted all at once and you will need to recreate your routines again from the Google Home app.

Hi everyone, 


Thanks for keeping this thread active. Glad to know that it's already working on your end.


Let's keep on monitoring your device's behavior as I will keep this thread open for few more days. Feel free to chime in anytime if you notice any changes on its behavior.


By the way, thanks for sharing some tips, @Thischarmingsam



Community Member

I didn't have to do anything this morning, it just started working on it's own. The videos are now showing again during my routine.

Community Member

I just checked also @lfrias and mine is now working fine also. Bizarre!

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks,


Sorry for the delays. Could you list down the news source that you're having an issue with? Also, what country are you located in?




Community Member

Hey, thanks for the reply. 

Personally I'm located in the UK and am having problems with all the default news sources set up with the good morning routine; Sky News, CNBC tech check, DW News brief and Bloomberg First Word. BBC News is just audio only (and has always been ^^).

Additionally, and around the same time this started happening, I noticed that during this routine the assistant accent will change when it gets to playing the news. So it will say good morning and tell me the weather etc in my device default British accent, but when it reaches the news part of the routine it will announce each item with the American default assistant accent. Unsure if this is related but it started happening at the same time as this issue.

Let me know if you need any more info. 


Exactly this for me as well, hadn't connected the change in accent to the lack of video until now

Community Member

And this morning both of my listed issues have been resolved. I can currently see video on the routine and the default voice announcing the news reel is back to the UK default. 

Very weird!

Will keep an eye on it as the same thing happened the other week before it broke again. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Illuminado,


I appreciate the update. I'm happy to hear that the issue is now resolved. I'll keep the thread open for a few more days to monitor your device, and to wait for other users feedback.


@Thischarmingsam: What country are you located in?




Sorry, UK also. Videos are back for me today (didn't have a chance to test it yesterday), tried CNBC tech check and DW news so far.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Thischarmingsam, 

Thanks for letting us know. I'm glad that the videos are back up and running for you as well. As this is already resolved, we're going to lock the thread within 24 hours. If you have further concerns, please feel free to create a new post.

Best regards, 

Community Member

Unfortunately the video stopped working again for me this morning. It was working fine for a few days but then it stopped again.

I'm seeing the same, no video as part of routines or when asked for directly.

Community Member

I have an identical issue to everyone above and the timeline tracks for me as well. It started working again briefly earlier this week and now this morning it's gone again.