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No longer able to set an alarm on insignia voice speaker NS-CSPGASP

Community Member

The insignia speaker in question is probably four or five years old.
The speaker has Google assistant on it. Just recently unable to set an alarm.  Google response to trying to set alarm “sorry what’s the day and time”.  This feature has worked fine for years.

The Google assistant responds to all other function as it has in the past.

I have reset the speaker, reinstalled it on Google Home, restarted Wi-Fi, etc.
Any assistance is appreciated

1 Recommended Answer

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks,


Thanks for visiting the Community.


Sorry to hear that you're having issues setting up an alarm on your Insignia speakers. Please note that we have very limited support for third-party speakers with built-in Google Assistants. Since rebooting and resetting the device did not resolve the issue, it is best to reach out to Insignia Support for better assistance.




View Recommended Answer in original post

226 REPLIES 226

Community Member

so I am the guy who did the original post
based on the last post, I plugged my speaker back in,

and interestingly enough, it will now set an alarm, but it won’t set up for the time you asked

it appears regardless of the time you want it sets the alarm 19 hours ahead

so if I asked to set an alarm for 12 AM, it will set it for 7 PM, 1 AM for 8 PM

very very weird,

Try adding your time zone at the end of the hour (for example, "set an alarm for 6:00AM Pacific Time").  That has worked for me.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks, 


I’m glad that this is working now. If you have other concerns you know where to find us. 




Community Member

Yes, it appears that you must specify time zone now. Very strange indeed. 

Community Member

Mine are now doing the same. So it appears that google seems to be trying to fix alarms, but dropped the ball with regard to time zones. This 'intern' level of work is what is so frustrating.

Community Member

Oddly, it's working for all the time zones except the one I'm in (Mountain Standard Time)

Community Member

This evening I was actually able to set an alarm for "tomorrow" at a specific time.  The only caveat is that is that I had to include my time zone.  So, *hey Google, set my alarm for tomorrow at 7am Eastern Standard Time" seemed to work.

Community Member

This has now been broken for a month .. as someone who works in software development.. this is embarrassing.

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I'm pretty sure it was intentional. To sell more of their over priced garbage.

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I don't use mine for alarms, but I have two and have enjoyed them.  One of very few clock speakers with a battery!!


My problem is every day or two, display shows --:-- and has to be manually powered off and on   I did upgrade WiFi couple months ago, but it's been a huge improvement in coverage and stability.


But then some Google-made device will suddenly hit unable to get to Internet state and need returning too.  

Community Member

Google admitted an update for there speakers bricked multiple aftermarket devices. Seen it in my news feed yesterday.

Community Member

if you use the phrase Eastern standard time in your command it will work. Example: Hey Google set an alarm Monday at 7 AM Eastern standard time

Community Member

Ok, the best alternative command that will work is to say, "Set alarm for day after today at 7:00 a.m.". We have been using that successfully.

Mine has started working again, so I can now say "set an alarm for 5:30" and Google will do that BUT it now it answers, alar set for 6:30.. so google has lernt the Fraser to set the alarm again but now sets it an hour to late... So for now I tell her to set an alarm for 4:30 and she says alarm aer for 5:30.. it works but it's funny and sad at the same time 😂😂

After reading your comment I suddenly figured out what happened. During the coding process somebody didn't understand the word tomorrow. They used the day after today. So now it's up to google to go back and fix their mistake.

Community Member

I'd bet you are 1 hour time zone offset from GMT.  Many of us found as long as you add your zone named to the alarm request it will operate properly.  Of course that wasn't needed until Mid November came around.

Community Member

Yeah, I just say, "Set an alarm for 7 a.m. Eastern Standard Time," and it replies, "OK, setting an alarm for 7 a.m. tomorrow. But never had to mention EST before.

If you say 'set alarm for day after today at 7 am" ours sets it for the correct time zone.  We are EST.

Community Member

I am in Central European Time, you are right. Will try that tomorrow.. but my alarm clock should be able to tell the timezone of my wifi connection??!?

Community Member

I have the EXACT same issue!!  Just started having issues in the past month or two!  VERY frustrating!!!

Community Member

I have a similar problem using an Insignia Speaker. When I say "OK Google, set an alarm to 7 AM" it replies saying "your alarm is set for 1 AM". I've tried many different times and it is always 6 hours earlier than I requested. For me, I've developed a workaround by asking it to set an alarm 6 hours after I want the alarm. I don't use the feature very often but this just started a week ago.

Try saying your time zone immediately after the desired time.  It should work.  Hope that helps 

YES, that works. When I request an alarm be set at a certain time, all I have to now add are the words "Central Standard Time"

Community Member

- Google has made changes on their cloud server side to improve how this works.  Current status is that all alarms are set as if you are in UTC time.  For example I'm in mountain and I say "set an alarm for 6 AM" and it says "your alarm is set for 11 pm."  Then I have to say "cancel all alarms" and "set an alarm for the day after today at 6 AM" and it says "your alarm is set for 6 AM".

- You may request an alarm "set an alarm for <time> in <timzone>" (except for some reason this does not work in mountain timezone).

- You may also say "sent alarm for the day after today at <time>". (works for every time zone)

Community Member

insignia google home Clock

Setting alarm

10:00 = 5:00am                                                                                                             10:15 = 5:15am                                                                                                           10:30 = 5:30am                                                                                                            10:45 = 5:45am                                                                                                            11:00 = 6:00am                                                                                                           11:15 = 6:15am                                                                                                            11:30 = 6:30am                                                                                                          11:45 = 6:45am                                                                                                          12:00 = 7:00am                                                                                                            12:15 = 7:15am                                                                                                          12:30 = 7:30am                                                                                                           12:45 = 7:45am

Just say your time zone after your time.  "Set alarm for tomorrow at 7 am Eastern standard time".   

Community Member

As of yesterday it is working like it used to before what ever update broke it so no more needing to specify a time zone. So glad Best Buy and Insignia fixed it 🙄 haha. Anyway ways thanks for taking ownership of it and resolving it.

Community Member

I was able to set up an alarm this morning so I hope is a definite fix🤞🏼 they finally cared for their customers 

Community Member

Working correctly for us here too now! 
I checked, and the firmware versions on the device have not changed, so this was defenitly a fix by Google on the backend.  

Thank you Google for fixing this!  

Community Member

Working here for the last few days as well.  Thank you for giving this attention.  Just hope if something like this happens again there is some acknowledgement that the issue is being worked on.  I had given up.  Even the recommended answer still points toward Insignia.......

Community Member

Well, it was good while it lasted. My Insignia Google Home Speaker is malfunctioning again (March 10, 2024).

If I say at 11 a.m. today, "Hey Google, set an alarm for 6 p.m.," It will respond, "OK, your alarm is set for 6 p.m., but it flashes 8 p.m. So, at what time is the alarm going to go off -- 6 or 8 p.m.?

Earlier today, I had asked it the same thing, and it said, "your alarm is set for 6 p.m. tomorrow."

So, something is definitely going on. I hope Google fixes this soon.

Community Member

Well, last night I set my alarm for 7 a.m., and my Insignia speaker said my alarm was set for 7 and started flashing "7:00." A second later, it flashed "8:00." This morning, the alarm went off at 7, and then again at 8.

Like a built-in snooze alarm, I guess.  😝

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Mine started working normal again about a week ago, and it wakes me up at the correct time. I never noticed the flashing clock though, I usually don't look at it. I hope yours is working normally again.

Community Member

Same here. You have to say your timezone too. Also if you say alarm and mean timer it will set if for the next day.

Community Member

Mine worked normal for a week. Now I have to go back to the weird "day after today" work around because it was only doing AM alarms and usually off set by 5 hours. "Google snooze" command also stopped working recently. The "I'm awake" command also messes up and will just play morning news over the alarm sound until I tell it "stop". Not sure why I'm still using it honestly.

My alarm function is working but none of the alarm off functions are working now.........   I had used "hey google, alarm off" or "alarm stop" but none of these work now.  Really has become more of a pain than needed.  My other google items work fine with these commands FYI

Community Member

Same for me since a few days back.. setting alarms work great, but I have to pull out the power cord to turn alarm off.. wife is not happy ..

Community Member

Just saying STOP works for us, but saying "hey Google, stop" fails. 


Community Member

Simply say Stop without saying hey google.

Community Member

Snoozing also not working now, too.