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Pixel tablet

Community Member

Sorry, my Q is about the Google Pixel tablet actually, which when docked to the speaker operates like the Nest or so I read  ( I don't have a nest  currently) ? I will want to be able to listen to podcasts other than Google play ones eg BBC sounds. Would this be possible ? Thanks 


Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Hi @Sheislearning 

I believe you will be able to install the BBC Sounds app and listen to your podcasts. I'm in the US but looks like the BBC Sounds app is available in the Play store. Just download it onto the tablet.

See this help page: Listen to music, news and podcasts on your Pixel Tablet - Google Pixel Tablet Help  and we also have a dedicated Pixel Tablet Browse the Pixel Tablet Community (You might even see me there 😉 ).  If you cross post your question there another community member may be a BBC Sounds user and give you a first hand experience response.

Similarly, I use Audible and it works great on my Pixel Tablet but is really clunky to use on a Nest Hub.

Hope this helps!