09-27-2023 07:51 PM
I was in my kitchen on the phone and talking to my toddler and asked them what the cat says and immediately like 10 seconds later a random man's voice comes through my Google speaker and says MEOW very loudly! The speaker was not lit or or anything and there was nobody else around! Like as soon as my kid said it. Will never be using this again. Please advise.
09-27-2023 11:44 PM
Change WiFi password. Disable guest mode in Google home. Disable broadcasting feature to devices.
09-28-2023 08:06 AM
It is possible to accidentally trigger Google Assistant on your Nest Hub, if something in your conversation sounds like "Hey Google". It happens to us sometimes. And voice in which Google Assistant responds can be any of Google's male or female voices, due to a months-old bug that Google Nest has still not fixed.