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Spotify wont start playing on Google home devices

Community Member

SOLVED After Samsung update (?) no idea why this solved it


Hi all,

Since a couple of days both my Google Home and Google mini are not able to play any Spotifty music. It all worked like a charm and sudenly it stopped working. I tried most sollutions provided over the internet but none worked:

- Unlinking Spotify account / restart device etc

- Remove the device etc.

- Tried iOS / Android devices same issue

It looks like a session is “hanging”. When connecting trough spotify I hear the device response as in a succesfull connection (the bling sound) but in the app it keeps saying “ Trying to connect”. This goes for both devices.

Music apps like youtube / tunein radio do work so its Spotify related


Try connecting trough a different account and phone which seem to work fine! So it must be account related?

Also removed the Spotify account from Google Home, then tried to play, same issue….

When opening the device trough google home it actually says its streaming (which its not)



Ok its definitly a account issue, I replaced the connected Spotify account in the Google Home account with a different one and all works fine…. As soon as I try to stream with my default account it fails… Spotify support says that the problem is probably somewhere @ Google




Community Member

I have the exact same thing, only started to happen since today. Only tried with one, google workspace, account. I don't hope they disabled it on google workspace. C'mon google go fix.

Community Member

Same problem here. 

Community Member

Either it is fixed, or the devices needed contact with Google DNS. I disabled the black hole route for the google DNSs and it worked again.

mine still isnt... your using Ubiquity?


Yes, Unifi hardware.

Hmm could this be part of the problem somehow? I'll try to disable the Google DNS to see what happens

Community Member

I’m also having this issue. Spoke to Google customer support on the phone and no resolution. Hope that this gets sorted soon

Community Member

Experiencing the same thing.  I only have one premium account.. so no alternative account to link up. Google needs to speak to Spotofy and fix this

Update: for some reason.. there was a software update on my Samsung phone.. and it works now.

Looked for a update on my Samsung to and guess what…… updated, works again…..

weird thing is though that I also tried it with a iOS device which did the exact same thing

Community Member

No help from Google so far…..

Community Member

Problem solved after a update from my Samsung device (at least thats what I think)