07-29-2023 01:22 AM
Morning. When I start a music on my nest mini and then put the music on the pair speaker nest audio through the app, only one speaker will work. But when I start the music direct on the pair, both speakers works. It seems that when I start in mono, it stays in mono. Can you please have a look and make sure it doesn't happen anymore? Thank you
08-02-2023 05:44 PM
Hi moby5000,
This is not the experience we want you to have; let us help you. A few questions:when did your issue begin? Were there any recent changes made?
It would help a lot if you could do a sequential reboot first:
If the behavior is the same, you can add a stereo pair to a speaker group. The stereo pair acts as a single device within that group, adding your Nest Mini, makes it a speaker group.
For more information about speaker pairs, click here.
08-06-2023 01:45 PM
Hey there,
I wanted to follow up and see if you still needed help. Please let me know if you still have any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.