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Strange popping sound in my nest mini

Community Member

Hello, I’ve just got my best mini about a month ago, and it’s been great so far. That being said, in the past week I’ve been hearing this sort or popping or cracking sound, similar to what you would hear if you had dust on a vinyl record and tried to play it. I haven’t heard it happen when the assistant is responding to me, but they don’t happen on a schedule or anything, more randomly. I’ve unplugged it and plugged it back in, rebooted it through the Home app, and tried plugging it into a different outlet. I’m pretty sure it’s not my wifi, and I’d like to avoid a factory reset if possible but I’m running out of options. Any help?

2 Recommended AnswerS

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I understand that the issue with the Nest Mini producing popping/clicking  sounds has been ongoing for quite some time, and I apologize for the inconvenience it has caused so far. Our team is actively working on a fix, but unfortunately, I do not have any additional updates to share at this time. Rest assured, I will continue to stay in touch with the team and provide updates on this thread as soon as possible.




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Community Manager (Admin)
Community Manager (Admin)

Hey everyone,

Apologies, this thread was recently closed by mistake. I've reopened it as I know this still impacts many of you and helps organize the conversation.

I also know it's been taking longer than expected, but the issue hasn't fallen off our radar. The team is still working on it and I hope to have more to share soon. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience.

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709 REPLIES 709

Community Member

Is there any update on this? It's been going on for months now and it's kinda taking the mick a bit. 

My nest mini is now constantly cutting out as well as the popping noise! 

Muddi, can you define 'soon' please? 

Community Member

Won’t be purchasing again. 

Community Member

Well, the market for these "Hey Google" and "Hey Alexa" devices is currently experiencing a significant decline. Despite a growing number of people purchasing smart devices, they seem to be using them for purposes other than what we originally intended: streaming music, asking questions, and seeking information.

Additionally, it appears that Google continues to prioritize other areas. The individuals responsible for assisting us, whether admins or mods, seem to have been instructed to maintain silence. Those of us who express concerns or complaints feel unheard, and it seems that Google is indifferent to our feedback. This is why I have decided not to invest in any Google products, including their Pixel phones, in the future.

Any updates?


Community Member

Hey Muddi,

Please provide an update on this issue. 

Community Member

I've officially given up with my Google nest and changed to an Alexa. Google don't seem to give a poop (nicest way I can put it) and don't seem in a rush to fix the issue. 

Community Member

This is not an answer that provides help, please remove the green flag !

Thanks a lot.

Community Member

Hello, it's been more than 5 months now, is there going to be a fix for the popping sound issue or is it going to be like Gen 1 Google home bricking issue?? I'm starting to wonder why I bought another Google nest instead of Alexa...

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I understand that the issue with the Nest Mini producing popping/clicking  sounds has been ongoing for quite some time, and I apologize for the inconvenience it has caused so far. Our team is actively working on a fix, but unfortunately, I do not have any additional updates to share at this time. Rest assured, I will continue to stay in touch with the team and provide updates on this thread as soon as possible.




Community Member

Just to make sure: It is not just the Nest Mini, it is all Nest speakers. I have 2 Google Home Max speakers on which I have not (yet) noticed this problem. On my other Google Nest Audio speakers it is definitely there and very annoying.

Not applicable

Hi Muddi,

Seems to be getting somewhat better this past week. Wondering if others are having better luck with their devices as well. Thanks.

Not applicable

Think I spoke too soon....was great for days and then today the popping noise was back in full...ohh well.

Community Member

Any news?

Community Member

Any updates on this? We have multiple Google and Nest Mini speakers of different ages doing this. Master reset and disabling ultrasound sensing does not resolve the issue 

Community Member

Also all running on Google WiFi and casting from a Pixel 7 Pro.  Also asking the speaker to play music directly the issue occurs. This amount many other weird Google bugs is keeping me from wanting to buy anything more Google.  

Community Member

Also noticing the issue is getting worse as other users are reporting 

Community Member

To add:

Our JBL Link does not do this. It is the only non Google smart speaker we have. Playing to a Sony Bluetooth speaker set up also does not have this issue. It seems Google related only and has been happening for at least 6 months if not longer. Google really needs to get it together. The Google WiFi system had many issues for over a year and still does, no fix. Pixel devices get buggy and Google only tries to fix them once a month if at all. 

Community Member

So a year plus later no fix no updates? How is customer service so lacking that at more than a year since this problem was acknowledged there is still no action? GOOGLE clearly knows of this fault and continues selling defective devices. So what's up, no jargon, no script? 

Community Member

Glad I'm not the only one. Purchased a Nest Audio in September and it exhibited a very similar, if not identical popping sound that limuremu described above. Contacted Google and was told I could return or replace. Chose to replace because I was reassured that it would fix my issue. The replacement device was significantly worse, and in the time it took me to receive and test it, I became outside of the return period and was told I cannot receive a refund anymore. Told them how utterly ridiculous that is, contacted support numerous times, and after a few weeks and over 10 emails, I was told I would receive a refund. Weeks go by with no response, so I called and called them and was finally informed that I would not be receiving the refund I was promised. I am now stuck with a defective device that has seemingly had this issue for months/years now, and Google basically told me "oh well".

The last rep I spoke to said something along the lines of, "The Nest Audio team is aware of this issue and will be fixing it with a software update". I doubt that this issue will be fixed at this point, if I'm being honest.

The craziest part is how my original Google Home and Google Home Mini still work beautifully. Insane. Sorry for the rant, but if anyone sees this now or in the future, you are not alone, and I would never recommend purchasing from Google directly, nor buying a Nest Audio speaker at this point.

Contact your credit card company and request a chargeback. I suggest everyone always use a credit card for online and electronic purchases.

Luckily, I did use a credit card for this purchase, as I generally do for all of my purchases. I'm unsure if a chargeback will be successful, but I'll try it tomorrow and see what they say! Thanks for the idea and response!

Thanks for your report! It helps...

So September... ONE YEAR? It seems this is BUG / PROBLEM present since 3 YEARS AGO (at least)

At this point, i will assume that GOOGLE can't / won't / will NOT resolve this issue.

What keeps puzzling me is WHY some users only detected this recently! 

(i detected this the first day i tested the device, mainly because i listen to a lot of music from Spotify)

Remember there is one thing called WARRANTY!

You can return the item for a REPAIR.

If they keep returning the item with the same FLAW, you can then legally ask for a refund (at least this is the European law). You must do this through the SELLER, not GOOGLE!

Google does not even know the date of purchase, so, go through the seller.

(personally, i have a 30 day return period given by the seller, so i will wait a few weeks to see how this develop, and then return all units - because i bought a few more to pair them in STEREO!)

Appreciate the response! Sadly, Google has informed me numerous times that they won't do anything for me. The EU has much better laws for the consumer, whereas in America it's completely backwards and favors the businesses.

In my case, the seller was Google as it was purchased directly from the Google Store. 😕

I reached out again to try and get another replacement device, and I will see how that goes (if they actually send me another one)!

What you're referring to sounds like the Lemon Law". This isn't universal and applies to US residents or purchases. This holds true for most things. Let's not make assumptions and give people false hope.

In the USA the products don't have warranty? (if faulty?)

Community Member

It's been over 2 months since your last post. Still no updates? Thanks.

Community Member

Think it's safe to say that Google don't give a hoot (nicest way I could put it). I've chatted with them online and via twitter and all I've had back is 'we're aware of the issue and are working on it'. 

Pointed out to them it's been well over so months and that they're still knowingly selling products with faulty software. 🙄

Yes... we should assume that "THEY are aware of the issue and are working on it" for 3+ YEARS NOW...

Community Member

This is horrible. 

The consumer's interest in these casting devices have peaked many years ago. Now, they've plummeted big time. Don't hold your breath for a fix, rather stonewalling or denial, at best by Team Google.



Community Member

Is there a solution?

That's what we've all been saying.


What's interesting is that I have been immune to the issue until recently. There's no popping with by first generation mini and it has the same firmware. I use it for white noise though.

This opens the door for a HARDWARE problem on the 2nd Generation (or at least som BATCHES... depending on the components, revision, etc)

If THIS is the case, GOOGLE WILL NERVER acknowledge that!!! It will?? "silently" resolve the hardware bug in the next revisions, leaving everyone with the faulty devices without closure, until they reach EOL and go to the recycle bin!

Community Member

Thanks for sharing your experience with everyone.

Recently nest mini and nest speakers they both during music casting drop connection for few seconds and even sometimes completely stop playing the music haphazardly.

Community Member

Shame on you for not replying to over 200 comments on this issue. GOOGLE has shown time and time again they will just ignore all problems and sweep them under the rug until people forget. Goodbye GOOGLE and goodbye bot.

Community Member

Any news? I use my Minis for background noise to fall asleep and stay asleep at night, but the popping sounds wake me up.  They worked great until a few months ago. Pretty annoying.

Any updates? I'd like to buy an additional speaker for my home, but I'm not going to do that until this bug is fixed

None whatsoever, except the usual one...