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Strange popping sound in my nest mini

Community Member

Hello, I’ve just got my best mini about a month ago, and it’s been great so far. That being said, in the past week I’ve been hearing this sort or popping or cracking sound, similar to what you would hear if you had dust on a vinyl record and tried to play it. I haven’t heard it happen when the assistant is responding to me, but they don’t happen on a schedule or anything, more randomly. I’ve unplugged it and plugged it back in, rebooted it through the Home app, and tried plugging it into a different outlet. I’m pretty sure it’s not my wifi, and I’d like to avoid a factory reset if possible but I’m running out of options. Any help?

2 Recommended AnswerS

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I understand that the issue with the Nest Mini producing popping/clicking  sounds has been ongoing for quite some time, and I apologize for the inconvenience it has caused so far. Our team is actively working on a fix, but unfortunately, I do not have any additional updates to share at this time. Rest assured, I will continue to stay in touch with the team and provide updates on this thread as soon as possible.




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Community Manager (Admin)
Community Manager (Admin)

Hey everyone,

Apologies, this thread was recently closed by mistake. I've reopened it as I know this still impacts many of you and helps organize the conversation.

I also know it's been taking longer than expected, but the issue hasn't fallen off our radar. The team is still working on it and I hope to have more to share soon. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience.

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709 REPLIES 709

Don't be foolish. Don't give Google your money. They have enough and they're effectively burning it.

Community Member

We need to know if this is a hardware problem that affects some of the Google nest ecosystem, or a general software bug that will be resolved...

Any updates? It still happens with "ultrasound" off. Both of my Gen 2 speakers. My OG Google Home from way back in Nov 2016 is still working fine and does not have these popping sounds.


Community Member

Same issue here, this has been happening since I bought my Google Home Nest device.


Any updates?

Community Member

No fix yet after many months?

Community Member

What is the update on this?  I just bought a Google Mini Nest from Target 5 days ago, and it is doing the popping noise.  So I decided to order one directly from the Google store, it arrived today, and it also is doing the popping noise.  This is very frustrating, as I have an older model I love (probably 5 years old), and doesn’t make this popping noise.

Can i assume that the "older" device is a Google Nest Mini 1st GEN?

  • I’m not sure, it was a gift and I don’t know where the box is

You can see if it's different from the latest one (they have many differences)


There won't be any update. So everyone needs to stop asking.

Perhaps if you start your own thread and link to here, there might be a solution. This thread should be locked because it has an official "answer" as selected by the original poster: @limuremu but it's now just a sound board.  

There's nothing more frustrating for both mods, readers, and posters trying to help others than those who refuse to put in any effort and read the existing comments before posting. 

Aren’t you a cheerful one jumping on someone you don’t know. Parents must be proud. Shannon - you have every right to ask. Don’t let a sad little person ruin your day. 

All, we're all trying to get Google's attention. I believe that Hmm_8888 is pointing out that venting on this thread is pointless as the moderators are not monitoring this thread anymore. We need alternative ways to get their attention like sending feedback through the device as marcolopes suggested.

Thanks 🙂

  • I mean the last post I saw from a moderator said to keep an eye out in this thread.  Maybe you need to drink find more egg nog.

I will KEEP asking and posting UNTIL GOOGLE resolves this PROBLEM! Period!

Community Member

Any updates?

Community Member

Unfortunately it would take a Christmas miracle.

Any updates?

Community Member

Is there any resolve on this issue? Two of mine started doing this as well.. 

The problem is still there is the latest firmware...

Hell, one of my devices is still in the previous firmware (serial number and MF Date just close to the other one that was paired in STEREO!... go wonder...)

Hi Muddy,

It stayed silence for a while. Any updates ?



Community Member

This is not an answer that provides help, please remove the green flag !


Community Member

What is the update here? It's been 4 months since anything was posted here by a verified user, and surely if the team have been looking at this since July they'd know if it's fixable or not by now?

Community Member

Hi Muddi!

We've been having the same popping/crackling issue with our two Google Nest Audios, even after getting a new one completely replaced. I am in an apartment with strong Gigabit internet, a top of the line modem with wifi. We do use Hue Lightbulbs hubs, otherwise the only thing on wifi during the day is our cell phones. The popping is random and some days happens very often and other days it's spaced apart, but it occurs on both of our speakers, even when unpaired and set directly next to our wireless internet modem. I wanted to flag that this isn't only a problem on the mini's, but maybe there's another thread about this for full sized Google Nest Audio. There are a handful of threads on Reddit with users having the same problems as us. We really hope there is a software solve soon so we can keep our Google Home Nests! Thank you.

this sucks. I literally just bought a Nest Audio for better sound quality.

1 of my 4 minis (1st and 2nd gen) is popping, that's how I found this thread. not impressed that this issue might extend to the bigger brother too. 

for what it's worth, turning off the ultrasound sensing made the popping much quieter and much less noticeable. 

Community Member

Regarding what you said about ultrasound setting, it is also what I experience.

May I ask you to do something. This popping is only impacting the 2nd gen, so let's drop the 1st gen for the time being. Are all of the 2nd gens popping for you? Could you share the firmware numbers for the popping ones and the non-popping ones? I do have a suspicion that this is caused by a specific firmware version, but I don't think this is something this thread has concluded. Thanks.

Community Member

I saw that only gen2s are affected. of the 2 gen2s, one's misbehaving. 

if it helps.. 

System firmware version: 384934

Cast firmware: 2.58.384934

Community Member

Thanks. What is the firmware of the gen 2 that's not popping?

Community Member

good point. turns out they are identical. 

System firmware version: 384934

Cast firmware: 2.58.384934

Community Member

Sigh. If you also notice popping on the non-popping one please update us. I wonder what could be different between the two units.

Community Member

Here I have two Nest Mini 2nd gen. that are still with sys fw. 375114, cast fw. 2.57.375114, both are popping.

Community Member

They both pop!

User is not aware (still!)

That's the unofficial UNLISTED firmware!

I have that on 2 of my devices.

I have the previous firmware on 1 of my devices.


I believe ALL the 2nd gen will pop, users are just not aware of it.

But YES, sharing the firmware of all devices will help.

About firmware issues, please follow this topic!

Nest mini 1st GEN is popping? That's the first report!

"turning off the ultrasound sensing made the popping much quieter" - on WHICH device? It doesn't do anything on the Nest Mini (2nd Gen)

Google offered me a replacement for ONE of my devices...

I asked if they were assuming a HARDWARE FAULT and WHICH devices / production dates are affected.

NO RESPONSE (this came from direct tech support)

So... if they ask to SWAP, they are just trying to fool you!

NO REPLACEMENT WILL resolve this huge problem!

Community Member

All four of my nest minis do this, including the one I bought for my mum which is at a different location and on a different wifi network.