09-20-2023 07:51 AM
Google decided to shut down a thread where they promised to keep us informed about the terrible bluetooth connective issues with both generations of these products. I bought the 2nd Gen Nest thinking since it claimed improved Bluetooth, it would finally solve the issue I had with my old Mini where anytime it tried to connect to any brand or era of bluetooth speaker, it would constantly drop out. This occurred with every single device it connected to, and if some tech person chimes in with the usual "Did you try this?", I will reply YES, OF COURSE I DID. So did hundreds of thousands of users who also chimed in. So I get the new Google Nest, and guess what. THE EXACT SAME ISSUES. I can connect any other bluetooth devices to these various speaker models with zero issue. Google must know by now that either the hardware is faulty and they will do nothing to fix it, or their engineers are incompetent because they can't manage the most rudimentary bluetooth connection. So since you decided to close that unresolved thread where you promised to keep us updated, I made a new one. If you are interested in the old one it is here:
So how about it Google? What is your excuse this time? Are you going to shut this down immediately or are you going to actually listen to your customers and do the right thing?
09-23-2023 01:49 PM
Hi Jackbenimble,
We apologize if the thread was closed sooner than you would have liked. As community specialists, we occasionally do a bit of housekeeping to keep the conversations in our community fresh and relevant. This includes locking threads after a period of inactivity.
As per your concern, sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for your patience. Our teams are aware, and we're working on a fix.