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Two devices answer me at once

Community Member

Sometimes when I ask a question, my Android phone and my Google speaker answer at once, actually one about 5 seconds later.

I found this page which says they should work out between themselves who is going to answer, but it's not working:

I tried to follow the instructions on it, but they're unclear.  Firstly I managed to determine both devices are using the same account.  Then I tried to follow the update instructions.  For some reason the page tells me to open "Google app" - sorry, what?!  Google what?  There's google maps, google home, google assistant, google photos, etc, etc.  I see an icon for some reason just "Google" - which makes no sense whatsoever, and opened it.  I managed to find "your profile, Settings, About.", which told me I have version  But it then says to click "update".  There is nothing labelled update.  I tried clicking the version number and nothing happened.  I tried going to Google Assistant which would make more sense, but I couldn't even find about in there.


Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

If you go directly to the Google Play Store page for the app, you can easily see if it needs an update: