09-20-2023 10:02 AM
Sometimes when I ask a question, my Android phone and my Google speaker answer at once, actually one about 5 seconds later.
I found this page which says they should work out between themselves who is going to answer, but it's not working: https://support.google.com/assistant/answer/7257763?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform=Android
I tried to follow the instructions on it, but they're unclear. Firstly I managed to determine both devices are using the same account. Then I tried to follow the update instructions. For some reason the page tells me to open "Google app" - sorry, what?! Google what? There's google maps, google home, google assistant, google photos, etc, etc. I see an icon for some reason just "Google" - which makes no sense whatsoever, and opened it. I managed to find "your profile, Settings, About.", which told me I have version But it then says to click "update". There is nothing labelled update. I tried clicking the version number and nothing happened. I tried going to Google Assistant which would make more sense, but I couldn't even find about in there.
09-20-2023 11:16 AM
If you go directly to the Google Play Store page for the app, you can easily see if it needs an update: