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custom Routine stopped working

Community Member

Custom Routines I've used for years - originally on Google speakers, then migrated to Display:
(1) wake me with music on Pandora at a particular time 3 days/week; 
(2) another routine wake me with music on Pandora at a different time 2 days/week.  
Turned them both off during my Xmas vacation, and on again afterward.  BUT they no longer work!   

I can still play music from Pandora, I can still set an alarm.  But not have it wake me with music from Pandora!   

Tried everything (rebooting, creating new routines, etc.)  Nothing works !!!   
Google support escalated and all I get is a generic email response asking if I rebooted, s/n, when purchased, etc.

Anyone have any thoughts?



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi ethy,


Thanks for reaching out.


We're sorry to hear about this experience and we appreciate all the details you've shared. Since you've tried some steps, could you tell us if you've also tried deleting and recreating the routines? Also, do you get any prompt from the Home app after you have experienced this? Lastly, could you please send us a screenhot or photo of the exact routine you've created from the Home app as it would be very helpful for us checking what's causing this to happen.


Looking forward to your response.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


It's us again. Checking back in if you still need help with your routines. Let us know by updating this thread and the Community will be happy to lend a hand.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello ethy,


We want to ensure you are good to go, and everything is working properly. Please let us know if you are still having trouble, as we will be locking the thread in 24 hours due to inactivity. 

