I'm afraid you will have to factory reset the google routers.. that's
the only operation that brought those icons back. I picked a Monday
morning when everyone was away from home and did the reset, both
routers. Then the icons magically came back eve...
Sorry dude, and I agree. This whole shenanigan is complete
bull**bleep**.... imagine if you have to disassemble your car or destroy
the house to rebuild just because it's either out of gas or no water...
(yah, not good analogy but.. oh, here's anothe...
Thanks the reply Ben,Nothing or something similar. I had the firewall
and port forwarding for some time... definitely no connection with the
problem.No software updates on the phone either.. you see, it's a LG-V20
running Android 8.0.0 because LG AND...
It goes the same way it was: no WIFI icon on the Home app.I removed and
reinstalled the Home app twice.I did a hard reset on the fiber access
point (power off/ power on)I chatted with support, they say the fiber is
ok, no issues with the accountSimpl...